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My grandmother, Rosina McDermott Gilbride (DOB 18 May 1892 - married to Edward Joseph Gilbride of County Donegal), was the daughter of  Owen McDermott and Mary MacGowan.  I believe she was raised in the village of Cornagawna.  She was one of many siblings, including Owen, Mary, and Catherine (who married my grandfather's brother, Patrick, whose surname was changed to McBride by US Immigration).  I understand that I may have living relatives in the Cornagawna area, and would appreciate making the connection. The photo below is my grandmother outside the family cottage, I believe in the late 1940's.

 - Jeff Reich

Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 05:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • A lot of Mc Dermotts in Donegal.

    Try the 1901-1911 census for families;


    should also turn up some family



    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 08:14PM
  • Thank you very much, Jack.  I was able to easily turn up useful, detailed information in respect to both of my maternal grandparents on the sites you provided.  -Jeff Reich

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 09:17PM
  • Dear Jeff,

    I think we may be distant relatives! I stumbled across the same birth certificate from the 1911 Census. My grandad is Owen McDermott, son of Denis McDermott (who was listed as aged 13 in the 1911 census). Owen came to England and settled here with my Nan, Josephine, from Co. Clare. They had 3 children: Geraldine, Josephine and Caroline (my mum).  

    I realise it has been many years since you posted in this board but it would mean the world to me if we could get in touch. 

    Kind regards,

    Georgina Nicholls (22 years old from the UK). 

    Saturday 11th Feb 2017, 02:13AM
  • Hello, Georgina,


    I surmise that your great grandfather Denis was my grandmother Rosina's younger brother.  Their older sister Catherine also had a son Owen, no doubt named after his grandfather as was your grandfather.  Are you on FaceBook?  I found two "Georgina Nicholls" in the UK on FB - one in Birmingham and one in London.  If you are on FB, you may find me as Jeff Reich, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania - send me a friend request.

    -Jeff Reich

    Monday 13th Feb 2017, 10:23PM
  • Hello Jeff. Yes, I think that's it! My brother's middle name is also "Owen", so it seems to have been passed down for many years. I have messaged you on Facebook, I look forward to hearing from you.



    Wednesday 15th Feb 2017, 07:16PM

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