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Hello, Back in 2015 I downloaded the Murroe Village Design statement dated October 2006 draft report.

My ancestor John Fleming was the blacksmith.  I am related through his son Michael who migrated to Australia in 1887 and resided in Kangaroo valley.

I would like to receive the photo of the shop (building) which is shown on (page 3) the cover of the design statement step 2.

The photo will be included in the family story.

Many thanks and keep safe!

Kevin McInerney



Wednesday 24th Jun 2020, 04:38AM

Message Board Replies



    Hi Kevin,

    Try and connect via Facebook Murroe to see who took the photo.



    Wednesday 24th Jun 2020, 10:35AM
  • Hi Kevin, I'm always on the search for more Flemings and noticed your post re: John Fleming. I've attached an interesting newspaper clipping of a John Fleming blacksmith from Ballyneety (20 kms from Abington) in 1835. I don't know if it your John but I remembered it from my research and thought you might be interested. My Great Great Grandfather was also a John Fleming (married Mary Begly). They lived in the Templebraden Parish. They left for Tasmania in 1854. Through another Fleming, who is descended more directly from the Abington mob, we have been claimed as somehow belonging to that lineage- although I haven't as yet established a concrete connection. The article is headed "serious Charge against two policemen" and makes interesting reading, if you haven't already seen it. With best wishes for the research Mary Hord


    Thursday 19th Jan 2023, 01:06AM
  • sorry that file doesn't seem to be uploading.  The article was from the Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier 26th May 1835, page 3


    Thursday 19th Jan 2023, 01:35AM

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