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I am looking for information on Daniel Dillon (1813-1890) and his wife, Catherine Mahoney (1817-1882).  From their gravestone, it says that they were from Bulgadeen, County Limerick.  Other family information leads us to Bruff and Grange.  I am unsure of when they immigrated to the United States, but they lived in Newport, Rhode Island.  They had 4 children, John, Nicolas, Johanna and Daniel P.  John and Nicolas were born in Ireland.  Johanna and Daniel P were born in Newport.  That puts there immigration between 1853 and 1855.  Any information on parents, siblings, wedding information, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday 20th May 2012, 01:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there, my name is Doreen  and I am working on Ireland xo.  I have passed on your message to someone who might be able to help you with your query on the Dillon family.  

    Regards Doreen.

    Doreen McElligott, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 21st May 2012, 08:39PM
  • Thank you so much Doreen!! 

    Tuesday 22nd May 2012, 02:11AM

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