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Greetings! I am very happy to have found your website and community. While working on my genealogy, I have hit a solid wall with respect to my Irish great grandparents and feel hopeful that your community will be able to help in my search.

My great grandparents left the Irish Free State separately and were married in the US after having been here for some time I don't know if they knew one another, and I'm not certain that they both came from Bruff, though I do have anecdotal information from their son, my great uncle, that they did. I am fairly certain my great grandfather was from Bruff.

My G-grandfather's name was William Hogan--don't have a middle name. I have information that his parents were Michael Hogan and Mary Fitzgerald. G-grandfather Hogan was born 26 December 1864. He arrived in the US in 1882. This information comes from the US Census rcords from 1900 through 1940.

My G-grandmother's name was Margaret O'Reilly. She was born in November 1865 and arrived in the US in 1882. That is the extent of the information I have about her.

I have searched ship's passenger lists but William Hogan is a very common name and I was unable to distinguish his name from any others. Have not found Margaret O'Reilly, who would probably have been listed as a child of her parents, whose names, of course, I do not know.

 Any assistancee and/or information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your efforts on behalf of all of us "seekers".

Anne Kaiser

Saturday 12th Mar 2016, 10:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Anne:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on Roots Ireland and it appears that William was baptized on January 11, 1860 at the Bruff RC church which means he was likely born December 26th, 1859. The transcription of his baptismal record is below. Roots had a number of Margaret O'Reilly/Reilly baptismal records in Limerick but the only one in Bruff was in 1859. See below for transcription. I don't have any way of confirming whether this record is for your ancestor. I note that this Margaret baptism was in June. You need to try to find her parents names (I'm sure you have tried).

    Let me know if you have any questions.


     Name:William HoganDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:11-Jan-1860Address:?Parish/District:BRUFFGender:UnknownCountyCo. Limerick
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Michael HoganMother:Mary FitzgeraldOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Ty RiordanSponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Ca Moloney

    Name:Margaret ReillyDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:09-Jun-1859Address:?Parish/District:BRUFFGender:UnknownCountyCo. Limerick
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:John ReillyMother:Mary Raleigh

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 13th Mar 2016, 01:39AM
  • Anne, 

    you should probably order the certs from and that will give you a bit more detail that might link in with what you already know. You can order the certs online or I could get them locally for you - any queries you can email me at

    Jim Vaughan, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 15th Mar 2016, 10:47AM

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