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There is an O'Connor memorial in Caherconlish to James Connors and Catherine Ryan. It is listed in the historic graveyard project as LI CHCH 0087. I believe that family members farmed in this area until quite recently. I would be interested in contacting people who feel that they are descendents of these two. Also, the memorial has recently been cleaned up. Was it done by family members or as part of the graveyard project?

Ireland Reaching Out -


Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 12:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi James,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone who recognises the family makes a connection with you.

    In the meantime it may also be an idea to contact the local parish priest to see if he can be of any assistance. Perhaps he may be aware if there are any graveyards projects been carried out in the area at the moment. He may also know of someone who may remember the family that were farming in the area. Here are the contact details:

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 14th Oct 2013, 10:31AM

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