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I am trying to find out more information about my g-g grandfather Patrick Murtagh (b c1839) and his wife Sarah Ann Clarke (b c1849).  He was a schoolteacher at the National School in Tattynure in 1860's.  He married Sarah Ann Clarke in 1868 before moving to England in 1869/70.  Their marriage certificate lists their fathers as Owen Murtagh and Robert Clarke, both farmers.  Sarah is recorded as being from Stewartstown. 

Would also like to find out more about the school Patrick taught in and the area of Tattynure itself.



Saturday 18th Jan 2014, 01:28PM

Message Board Replies


    If any records for the school have survived, they should be in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast. They won't be on line, and a personal visit is required to search them.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 19th Jan 2014, 10:45PM
  • Clare

    This was the only way I could find a way to contact you re your Fitzpatrick reply re Spain on another post

    I left a long reply re the Spainish connection

    I am also descended from Thomas Fitzpatrick's daughter Bridget and wondered which of her children you are descended from

    I have her children listed as:-

    Matthew m Catherine Murtagh, Ellen married Eugene McCormick, Thomas m Elizabeth McCann

    Elizabeth A m Pat Mccann, Patrick m Lena

    Catherine m Alfred Thurlow



    Monday 24th Jul 2017, 10:20AM
  • that should have read Thomas m Eliz McMahon

    Monday 24th Jul 2017, 10:21AM

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