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my name is Thomas, I've recently began researching my Irish genealogy and I am hopeful that someone out there could have some information that which can help my investigation progress. 

My great grandparents were Patrick and Mary ( sometimes referred to as Minnie ) McGrath, of Charleville Cork/ Limerick. They had 15 children, 11 of which survived until adulthood; These children were Patrick (b. 1895), Edmond, Thomas, Michael, Bridget, Elizabeth, John, William, James, Joseph and the youngest David (b.1915), who was my grandfather.

I have a number of records including birth, death and marriage documentation, as well as census records, confirming these are the ancestors of mine however there are still large gaps missing from my family tree and it's story. It has been suggested from other older family members that some of these children may have relocated to the USA at a later date and I only assume there are further generations descending from these 11 children that are still alive today and who have some new information. 

If there is someone reading this who believes they are connected to the same family tree, or know someone who could be, or has any information about this family please get in contact as any information could link one piece of the puzzle to another. 

Thank you for reading this and I hope to hear from some of you soon. 

Sunday 22nd Jan 2017, 09:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • TC:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Hopefully someone with connections to your family will see your message and post comments. If you have not done so, I would search all prior messages with McGrath connections. Possibly there is a prior message for the Charleville area.

    Also, you may want to consider autosomal DNA testing.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 22nd Jan 2017, 10:53PM
  • Hi there,

    My 3 times Grandmother Bridgit McGrath Born circa 1832 was a Famine Orphan from Limerick and arrived in Melbourne Australia in 1849. Her father was John McGrath and mother Johanna McGrath (Maloney). She married Edward Phillips in Portland, Australia and had 10 children of which 5 survived to adulthood. She died in 1876. I am the descendent of the 2nd youngest of the surviving children.


    Paddy O'Sullivan 


    Saturday 5th Dec 2020, 07:05AM

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