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I am a descendent of Michael O'Connor and Hanorah Hastings. They were married 14 Feb 1836 in parish Dromin and Athlacca (I have cross posted in Bruff). They had 3 boys and 6 daughters as best I can find. They spent most of their time in Bruff.

Hanorah born approx 1816 in Athlacca, siblings Alice; James and John - derived from witness at wedding and baptism of children.

No info on Michael birth or siblings.

Michael dies before 1901 Census, Hanorah is alive in Bruff - House 38 Crawford Lane in 1901 with two children but has passed away by 1911.

1901 - son Joseph (aka Gerald Joseph) age 38 and Honara daughter age 50.

In 1911 still at same address - Honora is still single.

Joseph (listed as Baker) has married Margaret (my best guess is Lynch) age 33 with 3 children - Nora age 2 and Michael age 3 and Joseph 9 months

I have much more but would love to connect with O'Connors, or people who think they might be connected here.


Tuesday 12th Aug 2014, 06:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Brendan

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I see Roger has given some advice in reply to your earlier post. Let us know if you learn anything new.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 18th Aug 2014, 02:24PM
  • My Great,Great Grandfather born in 1825 in Bruree,Bruff ?? I'm not sure which immigrated to the U S. Are there any Maley's still living in this area? I am trying to find his parents ? Anybody ???

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 01:56PM
  • Could you add your message to a new post please so that our volunteers can see it. When you have done that I will delete the message above as it is not relevant to Brendan's question

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 08:43AM

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