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I am doing some research on my Fitzgerald ancestors from Limerick. The earliest information I have is that John Fitzgerald married Margaret O'Brien on 10 February 1839 in Oldtown, Hospital, Limerick. Their son William emigrated to Australia and is my 2nd great grandfather. I don't know anything about his siblings or what happened to his parents. Any information or direction to resources would be appreciated. 





Sunday 9th Nov 2014, 10:26AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Chris

    I checked the marriage record on

    As you know there are no parnets' names or ages included! John was from Oldtown & there is a Thomas Fitzgerald as a witness so a sibling or cousin.

    Margaret was Brien and the wedding parish was Hospital & Herbertstown so assumedly she was from there.

    Unfortunately there are 126 John Fitzgeralds born Limerick 1815 + - 10 years and 82 Margaret Briens!

    Any other clues for birth years for them?


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 9th Nov 2014, 08:09PM

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