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Matthew CARROLL married Catherine NEVILLE around 1800 in or near Ardagh. They lived in Kerrikyle townland. They had Margaret b 1825 and Catherine b 1830 and possibly two or there boys (Michael and Matthew possible names). Catherine 1830 was baptized in Ardagh RC Church and is the only date I have firm proof for. 

I have other names which may be connected.  Jeremiah and John were baptized in Ardagh with parents Michael and Honora O'Connor. 

My pedigree is held together with spiderwebs since real proof is hard to come by. Any suggestions on where to look or where such proof could be, will be greatly appreciated.


Friday 29th Nov 2013, 03:26PM

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  • Hi - Thank you for your message. Some resources for Limerick genealogy which might be helpful are:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

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    Thursday 30th Jan 2014, 04:04PM
  • In 1833 Tithes Applotment Bryan Carroll had 13 acres and 3 roods, whereas Matthew Carroll had 26acres and 19 perches. In 1852 Griffiths valuation Bryan Carroll and Michale Carroll are both listed for this townland

    In the 1901 Census: John Carroll 50 , wife Mary 60, Minnie daughter 23, Michael 22 and Maurice 20

    1911 Census Maurice Carroll farmer married is 40 his wife is Minnie 45, they had 5 children and none are alive, Mary Connell mother in law lives with them she is 75 and a widow.

    In Ardagh Graveyard stone 63 reads Hanora Carroll died August 1st 1943 Maurice Carroll died 21 June 1971 late of Kerehile

    Stone 105 ...Mary Carroll died 1909 (Shyne stone)  These stones can be seen on Ardagh graveyard is listed as Ministersland. 

    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 11:14AM

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