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I am researching the family of Paul MADIGAN and Mary DOOLY - in particular their child Andrew Madigan who was baptised in Knockainy on 28 January 1826.  His godparents were Patrick Madigan and Ellen McNamara.

His siblings are :  Honora, John, Patrick, Margaret, Mary

He was sentenced to 7 yrs transportation for Manslaughter, after he and a group of young men - Richard Conroy, William Connors, Mathew Molony, Michael Enright, William Punch, John Punch, William Healy, Patrick Egan were convicted of Manslaughter for striking and killing John Gorey by throwing stones at him.

If you think that you may be related to any of my family members please contact or message me.

Thank you



Monday 17th Sep 2012, 03:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Thanks for your message ... it does seem to be a really interesting story, and we'd love to hear the outcome of any further research.

    We will be holding a Welcome Week here in Knockainey in late June 2013, and we would love if you could join us then. We'll post more details closer to the time, but the main events will b held June 27th to June 30th.

    Best of luck in your research

    Kind regards

    Mary O'Grady

    Knockainey Community Council

    Monday 15th Oct 2012, 09:15PM

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