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Looking for any information on my gg grandparents

John Finnucane born 1820. Parents John Finucan and Johanna Keough.

Siblings Margaret-1815, James 1817, Edmund 1822, Johanna 1824, Patrick 1829 and Tom 1835.

John  Finnucane 1820, married Bridget Ryan 1846, children, John 1849, Johanna 1851, Ellen 1853. Lived at Brackyle farm, Limerick

John Finnucane 1820, died 1853. Bridget remarried Thomas Ryan, continued to live at Brackyle Farm, Limerick. They had 3 children, Margaret, Bridget and Kate. There is also a William Ryan living there, possibly brother, son or some relative of Thomas. I don't know if Thomas and Bridget were related before marriage. Bridget was born at Kilduff Castle, but I don't have a date. She died 1863. After Thomas' death, William Ryan continued to run the farm and at some time, sold part of the land for a school.

Any information would be a great help, in particular Bridget Ryans' parents. Regards Veronica

Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 07:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Brackayle is a townland in Oola Parish on the LIMERICK/ TIPPERARY border.  As a genealogist I may be able to assist your search If you decide to go down that route. Veronica

    Saturday 2nd Feb 2013, 08:49PM

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