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I believe I finally found my 3rd great-grandparents: Michael Fitzgerald and Ellen O'Brien.  It appears they were married in Ballyporeen Parish on 06-Feb-1858.  They had four children born in Limerick, Limerick, Ireland:  Michael born Jun/Jul 1859, Bridget born 26-Jan-1862, Emilia born 14-Aug-1864 and David born 18-Oct-1867.

Should I have the correct lineage (narrowed it to two), The David Fitzgerald is the father of my great-grandfather: David Mickel Fitzgerald born in 1868.  I am unsure what year he emigrated to the United States, but do know he married Anna May Krause August 1, 1889 in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Considering I do not see marriage or death certificates for his siblings, I am assuming the whole family relocated to the United States between 1867 and 1889.

I was really hoping to confirm that I have the correct family lineage and as much information as I can obtain about my family.

Monday 5th Aug 2013, 11:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone with information makes a connection with you and helps you to confirm whether this is the correct family or not.

    In the meantime, here are some websites that you may find helpful:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    Genealogy Links:

    From Ireland:

    South Tipperary Archives:

    Ireland Gen Projects:

    Census records 1901/1911:

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 12th Aug 2013, 10:37AM
  • Hello,      I am looking for information about my GG Grandfather  Denis O"callaghan Who was born in 1812. Denis had 2 Brothers Timothy who Married Bridget Fleming In the Catholic Church , Killarney, Co. Kerry about 1840. and his other Brother was John . I don't know when Timothy and John were born. The Brothers Had 2 Sisters Mary and Jude, Again I don't know when the Girls were born. But I Do Know that Denis was Married to a lady named Catherine ?. I don't know where they were married or when. But it would have been Before 1840, Because Denis was at the Blue Anchor, A public House in Limerick when he was arrested for larceny. Denis was tried and sentenced to 7 years transportation to Van Deiman's Land. (Tasmania, Australia)  Denis was detined at Kilminaham Goal, Dublin for a while. Then He was Imbarked aboard the Convict Ship the "ORATOR" . He arrived in Van Deiman's Land in 1843, with the other Prisoners. Denis was tried once before this for Ouuering Base Coin. But He served his time in Prison for that.  I  do not know For sure who his parents were. Denis remarried after he served his time as a Convict on the Mountain Chain Gangs in Van Deiman's Land. He Named His first Son John, So I believe Maybe Denis Father may have also been John.    I would appreciate All the help I Can get to solve the Mystery of My Irish Ancestors

    Thursday 15th Aug 2013, 06:14AM

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