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Looking for information on the families below.

My ancestor Mary Gleeson bpt Mar 1827 in Muroe and Boher. Father was Rody (Roger)Gleeson and mother Nora (Honora) Small. Her syblings: Ellen b. 1818

John b. 1820, Norry b. 1822, Judith b. 1824 and Bridget b. 1829, nancy b. 1830, Denis b. 1834, Bridget b. 1835, and Rodger b. 1838.I have the baptism records for these children.

The following probable relatives of Mary's mother, Nora Small were listed as sponsors on one or more of the children's baptisms.

1) Mary  Ann Small who married William Tucker. They had following children: Edmond b. 1826, Margaret b. 1829, Catherine b. 1834, james b. 1837, William b. 1839, Honora b. 1842 and Anne bo. 1845.

2) Michael Small who md Bridget Dwyer. They had the following children. mary b. 1833, John b. 1837, Catherine b. 1840, Anne b. 1843, Michael b. 1845, Bridget b. 1847 and James b. 1855.

3) Thomas who md. Margaret (Mary) Rourke. They had the following children. James b. 1821, Owen b. 1823, Norry b. 1825, Martha b. 1829, William b. 1833, Judith b. 1835, Michael b. 1835, Catherine b. 1840, and James b. 1845.

4)Owen Small who md. Ellen Browne. They had the following children. Thomas b. 1857, Patrick b. 1859, James b. 1860, Margaret b. 1862 and Patrick b. 1865

5)Margaret Small who md. Patrick Donoghue. They had John b. 1834, James b. 1836, Margaret b. 1838, Patrick b. 1840, Honora b. 1842, Thomas b. 1844 and Mary b. 1847.

I have all of the baptisms of the children listed above. All were from the Catholic parish of Muroe and Boher. As that is not a large place they must be related in some fashion.

I would like help proving the relationship of Nora Small to these other "Smalls" who appeared as sponsor to her children. Who is there father or common ancestor? Any help on the Gleesons and particularly this group of "Small" family members would be appreciated.


Joe McQuade

Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 04:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hey Joe

    I can be quite hard to link up all the families , but there doesnt seems to be too many Smalls  in the parish , but really unless you get a will or some other document it  can be hard to link them .It does take some"guess work" which is not really advised when doing your family reseach but it comes to a point some times when you just have to!! - although there are other records that can help!

    Grave stones can be quite help ful  all murroe graveyards have been survey and documented on other helpful info can be found  in the tithe applotent and griffith valuation records.These can show the passing of land!

    Usually those who are having  children at the same time are most likely on the same generation( Though of course they are exceptions) -either siblings or 1st cousin  and seen as there are so little of them its quite possible that they  are siblings - but we can't prove 100%

    Another thing that can help and that i have used is the naming of children at the time it was a way to keep the names in the family  and why we get so many thomas John etc  -though again is not 100% certain

    1st son-Named after the fathers father

    1st daughter - Named after mothers mother

    2nd Son - Mothers father

    2nd Daughter - Fathers Mother

    3rd son - fathers grandfather

    3rd daughter - mothers grandmother  etc

    One thing I can say is, I believe the Owen that married  Ellen Browne is a son of Thomas and Mgt Rourke , it and unusual name for the time , dates fit and also he named his first son thomas as above


    Hope this Helps some bit, it can be a bit of a puzzle!!

    Let me know if i can help with anything else ??


    Friday 12th Apr 2013, 11:16AM

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