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Hi everyone

I'm looking for any information about my grandfather Kennedy Hayes or his parents John and Anne. Please get in touch if you can help.





Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 09:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hey Adrian ,

    I have had a quick look at records and this is what I found,

    Below are census that i found relating to your family , which you may have already seen,……

    The father John  was aged 40 in 1901 and then 64 in 1911 , which is very common on the census , for people to age over 20 years in 10 , due to the fact that they didnt know there ages and that the pensions act came in in the early 1900's

    So i look for the too dates, and i think i found a winner , a John Hayes born 1847 ( which adds up with 1911 age) to Kenndy Hayes. This matches up because it was common at the time for the first son to be named after the father's fathers.

    Kennedy Hayes and Mary Kilmartin  no marriage record found

    6 Children baptised to them,

    1. Mary  1842
    2. Bridget 1845
    3. John 19 june 1847 sp John Hayes and Catherine B-----
    4. Honora 1850
    5. Mary 1853
    6. Kennedy 1855


    I went back a llittle further and found a possible baptism for Kennedy

    Kennedy Hayes b 28 Jan 1816 to John Hayes and Margaret Brien sp Daniel Ryan and Anty Hayes .

    Hope this helps , let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks ,




    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 01:49PM
  • Wow - that's fantastic ?ine! Thank you so much for your quick work on this.  I'd seen the census records, but where did you manage to find the rest of the information? Do you know if the baptisms took place in Caherconlish?

    By the way, the practise of naming a child after the father's father still goes on; my son Thomas is named after my father Tom Hayes!

    Thanks again and please let me know anything else you might discover.


    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 08:35AM
  • Hey Adrian ,

    No problem , these are all records of baptisms in Murroe/Boher Parish , but it is also worth a look if you can in the caherconlish records, because in doing my own family tree  i found there is cross over between the two parishes especially on the townlans near the border of the two.

    I have the dates and sponsors  for the siblings of John too if want too , just let me know , and if i find anything else ,I will pass it on .



    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 10:59AM

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