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Looking for any information on the death of Margaret Gorman nee Murray. I believe she would have died after 1840 and before August 1852. Her husband John Gorman and his 5 children emmigrated to Victoria Australia in August 1852. There was no listing for the mother/wife Margaret. The family were from Murroe, County Limerick. John and Margaret's eldest daughter was born around 1834 and her name was Catherine, she is my GGGrandmother. 


Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 09:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jenny

    There are 3 burial records for Margaret Gorman 1846 + - 10 years on - a subscription site.

    They are: Tyrone 1848 aged 30; 1836 no age given Louth; 1856 aged 45 Sligo

    None in Limerick I'm afraid 


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 09:57AM
  • Hi ,

    I have searched the parish records and There is no marriage record for John and Margaret , also there is no baptismal records for any children to this couple.

    I have also serach the local graveyards and there is no records of Mgt Gorman in any of them.Thats not to say she is not buried there  , as many families were unable to affors headstones.

    If you have any further questions do not hesistate to ask



    Friday 27th Mar 2015, 07:29PM
  • Aine

    Thank you so much for your search and feedback. I will go back to my local family history centre and see what address the father put down on his emmigration records.  Once again thank you.




    Monday 30th Mar 2015, 02:10AM
  • Hello, I am also looking for information about Margaret Murray who married John Gorman (1804-1872). They were my Great great grandparents. 

    They lived near Kilbheny Village in Co Limerick and Margaret died approx 1850 leaving 4 children. I do not know Margaret's year of birth and if this could be confirmed and also where she is buried if known it would be appreciated.

    John & Margaret's children were: Catherine 1829-1882, John Murray Gorman 1838-1917, (my great grandfather), Maurice (unknown birth or death date) and Mary Gorman 1836-1927.

    John and the 4 children left Ireland for Australia arriving in 1852 initially settling around the Wallan or Pyalong area north of Melbourne.
    I would also like to confirm the name of the ship that they came to Australia on.





    Josephine Gorman

    Monday 31st Aug 2020, 01:50PM

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