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Hi Aine

Would it be possible to Reach Out to Breda Bourke a current resident of Annagh? We believe she may be connected to our Bourke ancesters of Murroe. She may be able to provide alot of helpful information to us

If possible could you please provide her with my email address, or if she is comfortable providing her email address to me that would be great?

We believe we may be able to answer alot of Bourke Clan questions with her help. 


Thanks so much for your assistance!


David Brown

david brown

Sunday 23rd Sep 2012, 03:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 10:46AM

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