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Francis Edward Greene (1824-1897) indicated on US Census that he was born in Cloonart, Longford, Ireland 24 December 1824. No information on parentage, parish, or anything else found. I don't see Cloonart as a parish - where do I start?

Francis Edward Greene emmigrated to New Orleans USA, arriving 4 May 1839.

He founded Longford, Kansas, USA and served as first Postmaster of that small town.


Tuesday 25th Nov 2014, 12:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Arthur

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish who will be in touch soon

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 25th Nov 2014, 03:13PM
  • Hi Arthur,

    there is a Cloonart North and Cloonart South in the civil parish of Mohill, County Longford, more than likely Francis Edward came from one of them. If you have any photos or information on him could you send them on and I will post a piece on Longford Historical facebook page.


                                             Hugh Farrell

    Wednesday 26th Nov 2014, 07:49PM
  • Thank you for your prompt reply. My apologies for delay in responding.

    Attached is a photo.


    Friday 26th Dec 2014, 05:04PM
  • My Great Grandfather "Peter Greene" was from Longford originally I have come to believe , but he was allegedly born onboard ship in New York harbour in September 1875 or 6 , and believe his father , also Peter was from Longford , but very little info found so far !


    Friday 17th Feb 2017, 06:45PM
  • Ps they were turned back from America for not having the right papers and returned to Ireland , and hence is birthplace on the censuses is given as New York America !


    Friday 17th Feb 2017, 07:19PM

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