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My grandparents, Peter Corcoran and Ellen McGlade, were both born in an area called Aughnacliffe(?) in the late 1860s The Corcorans lived on the shores of a lake named Lough Gowna. I don't know where the McGlades lived. They knew each other as children. After they emigrated separately to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, they met there and were married. I have contacted one of my Corcoran cousins in Ireland. I have no contacts with the McGlades. Peter's mother was a Shields -- I think she was from Longford. Ellen's mother was a Cosgrove -- the family was from County Cavan. My father drew up genealogical charts going back to his great-grandparents, collecting the information from relatives who are now long dead. I have that information to share. I'd like to hear from anyone who may be my relative.

Saturday 18th Jul 2015, 04:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Peter:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I can't tell if you are aware that ten days ago the National Library of Ireland placed all RC parish registers online. Below are the registers for the two parishes in your area of interest. You may want to search the registers and look for baptismal and marriage records for ancestors including the baptismal records for Peter and Ellen.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 18th Jul 2015, 05:13PM
  • Hi Peter.

    Two years on I just saw your message after googling the names Ellen McGlade and Peter Corcoran. I have old photographs of Ellen McGlade in her backyard and wondered where they were taken. It looks like she was born in Pulladoey, Aughnacliffe, Co Longford, on the shores of Lough Gowna. This is the house where I grew up.

    Hopefully you check into this site occasionally

    Margaret Fox

    Friday 31st Mar 2017, 06:10PM
  • Margaret:

    If you don't hear from Peter in ten days, let me know. I can then try to look up his e-mail address and send him a message.

    FYI-He should have received a notification in his e-mail that there was a new comment to his post.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 31st Mar 2017, 11:35PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I haven't had a reply to my message to Peter Corcoran. Seeing that it is some time since he posted his search, circumstances may have changed. It would be interesting for you to follow upon it 

    Thank you,

    Margaret Fox

    Monday 24th Apr 2017, 04:02PM
  • Margaret:

    I'm away for a few days. I will send him an e-mail on Friday. He may have changed his e-mail address.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 03:27PM
  • Dear Ms. Fox: Thanks for your notes. It so happens I was in Ireland last year and visited several of my relatives. My cousin Seamus Corcoran lives with his wife Oona and their two children, Allan and Ronan, on a farm which is probably not very far from you. Do you know them? Neither they, nor the other cousins I met there, knew of any Mc Glades. They may all have emigrated. I have a genealogy of th Mc Glade side, but it was written down for my father during the 1930s, and is therefore close to 80 years out of date. My apologies for the delay in returning your message. Sincerely, Peter Corcoran.

    Wednesday 26th Apr 2017, 07:46PM
  • Hello Peter,

    Thanks for replying to my message. Interesting that you kept in touch with your Corcoran relations. I don't live in Longford now but I never came across the name. However , my brothers did know one or two who played Gaelic football in the past.

    The information I have of the McGlades is. Patrick McGlade married Mary Gormley, Pulladoey in the 1820's. They had Thomas who went to Australia, his descendants have been in touch, Owen, my greatgrandfather and Joseph. Joseph married Maria Cosgrove..Their children included Nicholas born 1865 and Ellen born 1867. Was she your relation and the person whose photograph I have. Nicholas inherited the place.

    Owen married Catherine Leddy. They lived across the lake in Arnaghan. She taught in Pulladoey school and came across the lake in a flat bottomed boat called a cott. Her daughter, Margaret married Micheal Lynch. They both taught in Pulladoey school. Margaret bought the house and farm from Nicholas. My father inherited it from her so I grew up there. My nephew has the place now. 

    Does any of that match the information you have. I can give you additional information if you like. You might also be interested in the photo with Ellen and Peter

    Regards, Margaret

    Thursday 27th Apr 2017, 11:52AM
  • Hello Margaret

    Im Margaret Gillespie from New Zealand and Patrick McGlade and Mary Gormley are  my 3rd Gt GrandParents.

    Thomas their son is my GT Gt Grandfather

    Owen McGlade is my Gt grandfather 

    then henry McGlade being my grandad

    Carmen rose mcGlade being my mother.

    My 3rd Gt Grandfather seems to be as far as any of us doing ancestry can get unfortunatly. Have got a few cousins found via DNA and the connection is through here but thats yet to be found.

    I have plenty of photos  if you are interested.

    Margaret Gillespie

    Tuesday 10th Apr 2018, 10:14AM
  • Hello Margaret,

    I have done some research here on McGlades and haven't been able to back farther than Patrick McGlade and Mary Gormley.

    Civil Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths only commenced in 1864 in Ireland. For the ordinary person who was not from Landed Gentry or well off, Church Records are another source. The quality and dates of these vary. Thomas McGlade luckily brought all his details with him  as he firstly required them for RIC here in Ireland and  then in Australia.

    The family lore  has it that the Gormleys moved from the north of Ireland during disturbances up there and were given a piece of cut away bog called Pulladoey, which means hole of the black stuff. When I was growing up all our neighbours were Gormleys so I presume Patrick McGlade married in to the place, which remains in the family. My nephew, Patrick Lynch, has it now

    Do you know Jen Brittain from Melbourne, who is seeking information on another site. Seemingly she has possibly more info. Some people from Australia visited Ireland a few years ago and my cousin here was in touch.

    Best wishes, Margaret

    Thursday 12th Apr 2018, 02:23PM

    Hello Margaret  my great grandmother was a Bridget McGlade married to a Patrick McCabe of Derrycassan.  Have been in touch with Margaret from New Zealand and am trying to make the McGlade connection but cant find the missing link.  There seems to be 2 McGlade families in Longford one in Polladoohy and the other in Aruaghan Scrabby ?  Bridget McGlade 1825? - 1914 lived in Derrycassan and had 6 girls and 1 boy James who died in his 20s leaving a wife Kate and 2 sons.  My mother was Mollie Donohoe (!914 - 2007)  her mother was Elizabeth McCabe married to James Donohoe Larkfield.  Any help greatly appreciated Sally




    Monday 9th Jul 2018, 03:53PM

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