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Hi I was wondering if i could get any information on my granmother Mary Ann Reilly who was born in Grannard in 1930.  presuming she was baptised as she is catholic,  I do not have a birth certificate for her and have very little knowledge as she never spoke of her past when she was alive, therefore i do not have her parents names either


if you could kindly let me know what steps i need to take or if there is anything you can do for me 





Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 04:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Megan,

    The name is very common in Granard so I suggest you begin your search by looking for her husband's marriage record. As this is quite recent in terms of genealogy you should be able to get a copy of the marriage from the GRO. This should give you the name of at least Mary Anne's father and the townland she was from. Once you have this information it should be easier to identify the birth record for the correct Mary.     This is a free genealogical site. Take note of the year, quarter, vol and page no. of the marriage record and bring/send to the GRO. This way it will only cost a couple of euro.

    Best of luck.



    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 11:30PM

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