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Looking for Owen Haley born about 1803 and Ann Grogen born about 1805 .  Owen and Ann were married around 1838.  Grave  marker for both indicates County Longford and Parish of Clough (not sure spelling).  Both died in US.   

Sunday 30th Nov 2014, 04:09AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    Possibly the surname was Healy in Ireland. I looked at the Tithe Applotment listings for Co. Longford and there were no Haley records for Co. Longford but 44 Healy records (some may be duplicates) including 10 for Kilcommock parish. 

    None of the records showed Clogh or Clough townland but there were a couple that were close: Cuigh and Culig.

    I checked Roots Ireland indexes for the marriage record with no success. This is not surprising since Kilcommock RC records start in 1859.

    I also looked at the 1854 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kilcommock parish. There were three Healy entries (no Haleys) including two Owens. Was your Owen still in Ireland?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 30th Nov 2014, 03:45PM
  • Tithe Applotments has Owen Healy listed as holding 6 acres at Cartronwar, Parish of Kilcommick in 1834. The RC church was located at Clough so Parish was sometimes called Clough unofficially. Cartronwar is a townland beside the townland of Clough - now on the road from Ballymahon town to Kenagh village, in Co Longford 

    johncfarrell, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Aug 2016, 07:49PM

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