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Hello,  I'm seeing information about Hugh Rice (b. abt 1795) and his wife Mary Welch (b. 25 Dec 1799 in Ballinteskin).  Hugh and Mary had the following known children: Sarah Ann b abt 1827; Patrick James b. 1829; James b. abt 1833; Ann b. abt 1836; Bernard Leo b. abt 1837; Rose b. abt 1840.  The family all emigrated to Wisconsin by 1853, probably in several groups and I believe that Hugh Rice died before they ledt Ireland.

I'm trying to find any information about the family in Ireland.  Thanks,



Monday 2nd Nov 2015, 02:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    I have passed your query to a volunteer in Co. Louth who will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 2nd Nov 2015, 12:30PM
  • Thank you Clare


    Monday 2nd Nov 2015, 01:10PM
  • Good Evening

    the townland given is in Omeath on the Cooley Penisula near Carlingford. The Catholic records only begin in 1838 and can be searched here with some time required as it is only handwritten, Church of Ireland records are been put onlne if you are checking protestant records. See

    The name Welch was in the area until recent times and Rice is still there. See this site for local pictures and names.  No Welch in the site I could see, some Rice also a site about County Louth here many Rice hits and a few Welch. 

    I will be out now for a while so will search for Hughs death later and post either way.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 2nd Nov 2015, 05:06PM
  • Hi Again

    I could not find a death for Hugh Rice on Find My Past or indeed any Rice in 1850 plus or minus 5 years. I can search for the other childrens births later.

    Griffiths valuation was a land census carried out in around 1853 in the Carlingford area, see  printed in 1854 so done previous and there are a number of Rices in your townland, both as tenants and a landlord, there is 1 piece unoccupied owned by a Patrick Rice, these plots come with a little map which can be cross referenced at the OSI.

    First see… Search Rice, Louth, Dundalk Lower, Union Dundalk, Parish Carlingford, a total of 96 hits 9 of which relate to your townland, from Peter Rice to Unoccupied.

    No Welch or Walsh found but htey amy not have been renting or owning land.

    The I understand it is possible to overlay and eventually go Google Street view. 

    There are Rices there in the census of 1901 at

    Will check for baptismal certs later of children mentioned.


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 3rd Nov 2015, 12:45PM
  • Good Evening

    me again, the part of Carlingford of interest to you has baptismal records starting in 1835, there are two Carlingofrd Parishs and the one of interest has a Rose Rice baptised on 5th February 1838 to Hugh & Mary Rice, unlike most other entries the mothers maiden name is not given. For the start to here there are a number of Rice births but this appear to be the only one of interest to you. This is from the site I first mentioned above at Registers NLI.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 3rd Nov 2015, 06:28PM
  • Me Again

    I looked up to 1840 on the Parish Registers and saw no more Rice entries but I may have missed some as the writing is not always clear.

    I checked the Tithe Applotment records here and htere are two Rices in the townland in 1833, Owen and Berd which I assume is Bernard. This is a register of those to pay church tax and holding over an acre of ground.

    There is one Rice listed in the Flax Growers List of 1796 but it just says Carlingford and there is no Rice listed in the Hearth Money Rolls list of 1664. See

    Please revert if you wish to ask further questions.




    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 3rd Nov 2015, 10:02PM
  • Hi Pat,

    I know Ballinteskin is the correct Townland from Mary (Welch) Rice's headstone and that of her son Patrick.  They both have it listed.  I'll check my dates to see if I have Rose Rice's birthdate right.  I have assumed that Hugh died in Ireland because he does not show up with the family in Wisconsin.




    Wednesday 4th Nov 2015, 07:03AM
  • Hi Matthew

    I have no doubt you have the correct townland, there are Rice families in that townland in the 1833 Applottments, 1854 Griffiths etc as show and the name Rice is still in the area.

    The problem is that we cannot locate Hugh Rice's death certificate or marriage. Irish civil records for Catholics only commenced in 1864 (1845 for Protestant marriages) so we are reliant on church records which for Carlingford appear to have started in your part in 1835. There are 2 Carlingford parishes, Carlinford South and Carlingford and Clogherney which is your part.

    Nowadays there is a church in Omeath a village near Carlingford wherein lies you townland but you are looking in the right parish for the time. Deaths in the records only run from 1835 to 1848 and resume again in 1867 so Hughs death may be missed assuming he died in his own parish.

    I will try Ancestry to see if there is any further there. There is a subscription history site for county Louth here, I think the subscription is about $20 annually and you may find some local history about the migration there. I have looked through the index of publications and there does not appear to be any likely candidates.

    As a matter of interest the current US Vice President Joe Biden is descended from this area but no Rices as far as I know.

    I will go now and look in Ancestry and see if I can find Hughs death.

    Carlingford is in County Louth but in the Church Diocese of Armagh in case you are confused, that encompasses the Counties of Armagh and Louth.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 4th Nov 2015, 11:15PM
  • Matthew

    think we could have a bingo, Ancestry showed a Hugh Rice buried in Carlingford 1st August 1845, looked in the registers and address seems to be possibly Commons. B'????? Omeath. 

    I will attempt to up load the file, it is a jpeg but it is in the register anyway under that date. Cannot up load page as it exceeds size limits but go to registers and select August 1845 and it is the first August entry.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 4th Nov 2015, 11:40PM
  • Hi Matthew not sure if you received the last post but I shouold have informed you that when searching on Ancestry for Hugh Rice some one had started a family tree for a Hugh Rice married an Alice  Murphy in Carlingford in 1852, just as Christian names tend to run in families there may be some relationship there. You may have to join Ancestry to see it.

    Also on FInd My Past here was a Hugh Rice in Dundalk Borough on a list of marksmen and also on a voters list in Dundalk but hardly your Hugh but file it away in case something crops up.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 8th Nov 2015, 11:29PM

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