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William born about 1811 Ireland, died 1886 Boston.

About 1832 William Quinn son of Bernard & Mary Quinn married Sarah Trainor (John & Catherine Trainor). In 1834 William and Sarah as well as Sarah's family emigrated to Saint John New Brunswick Canada on board the brig Cupid. They departed from Newry. They emigrated with their infant child James.

William and Sarah had 9 children. They stayed in Saint John N.B. until about 1880 when they followed most of their children down to Boston. My direct lineage, William 6th child of William and Sarah, stayed on in Saint John as he was an established Marine Pilot in the port. William and Sarah both died and are buried in the Boston area. On Williams death certificate it is stated his parents are Bernard and Mary of Cornamucklagh Ireland.

1854 - Griffiths Valuation shows a Bernard Quinn in Cornamucklagh, there are other Quinns in this area of Omeath.

1833 - Tithe Applotment Book, Omeath Cornamuckla, shows Bernard Quinn & Co.

I have looked at church records (1836 - 1909) and have matched as best as possible Quinn parents and children using marriages, baptism's and deaths.

I have looked at U.K. Merchant Navy Seaman Records for the 1800's. The Quinns of this area seem to have a tie to the sea. My great grandfather William (Pilot) and two of his brothers were Mariners, my father and uncle were mariners and my brother and I are Mariners. Two of my cousins went to sea for a period of time. As I looked online through some of these merchant navy seaman records I'm lead to believe co. Louth had quite a few sailors for its size.

I am tring to find links of my Quinns that emigrated to Canada/Boston and the Quinns of Bernard and Mary that stayed behind or did they?

Any suggestions on how to link the Quinns of Omeath using Griffiths Valuation and church records?

I cannot find death records of Bernard or Mary nor can I find marriage records of William and Sarah. Also I can't find a birth record of their son James in Ireland, 1832-33.

Are there any interested Quinns from the Omeath area?


Pat Quinn



Pat Q

Wednesday 26th Jul 2017, 11:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Pat:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Hopefully, someone with Quinn connections to Cornamucklagh, will see your post and leave a comment.

    I think the relatively late start (1836) with the Carlongford RC records is the reason records are not available.

    Civil registration of deaths started in 1864. The registration district would be Dundalk. I did not see any likely index records for a Bernard Quinn who would have been 70+ Likely he died pre-1864. There are some possibilities for Mary 1864 or later but I would wait until adds images of death records from 1864-1890. Right now, only images of deaths from 1891-1940 are available.

    The 1901 census for Cornamucklagh…  has five different Quinn families. I think four of the five are headed by a widow. These families must have some connections to Bernard and Mary.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 27th Jul 2017, 12:59AM
  • Hi Pat

    I volunteer in south Louth about 46 miles from Omeath but take an interest all Louth and especially the Cooley Peninsula. On the mariner side of things I was in my younger years a marine engineer in the merchant navy but you sound more a water than an oil chap.

    There was another query a few days ago about Carlingford and someone posted on it today but I think it was meant to go here so I copied it for your edification.

    Hope this helps.

    From church records.

    Felix (Phillip) Quinn and Mary (O'Hanlon,Hanlon) of Ardaghy (Liselea).

    children - Rose b. July 15, 1836.  Pat b. Oct 13, 1843.

    Rose Quinn marries Felix (Phil) Trainor May 28, 1855. Witness Felix Hanlon and Bridget Murphy.

    Felix Trainor b. abt 1826, d. 1904




    Lislea is near Omeath.

    As Roger pointed out it is  a leap of faith to find name in a townland that is of interest and other than saying it is likely you cannot really prove it, however there is a site here for Carlingford / Cooley which should interest you it includes some graveyard inscriptions, a historical site for Louth is here 

    It is possible to visit in person the Valuation Office in Dublin and examine the property registers and follow ownership of the plot and subplots from Griffiths time to the present. 

    Hope this is of some assistance and if you think there is anything I can do further please let me know.

    Good Luck


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 27th Jul 2017, 11:20PM
  • Hi Pat!

    Thanks! I meant to forward this message to you but slipped up.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 28th Jul 2017, 12:22AM
  • Roger, yes I have thought about DNA testing but this is the first i've heard of "autosomal DNA testing" how does this compare to DNA testing?


    Pat Q

    Friday 28th Jul 2017, 12:42PM
  • Alot of Pats (haaaaa)

    Hi Pat from St Peters,

    The "church records" posting was by me.Glad to hear you went to sea and as you thought, yes I am above the water line I value the light of day (haaaaa)!! I am now a Marine Pilot in Saint John.

    Thanks for the 2 links.

    The Valuation Office in Dublin - do you know if there is any why to view this online? This may be a way to link some of the Quinns of church records to the land.

    Question on traditional cultures of the Carlingford area in the 1800's. If Quinns started out in Cornamucklagh how likely would it be that a son would move to Lislea, Drummullagh or  Ardaghy and lease a piece of land?

    Thanks, Pat/

    Pat Q

    Friday 28th Jul 2017, 01:33PM
  • Hi Patrick to avoid confusion, it is likely a person or relative would have some land in these townlands as the join each other, remember there is no real way of knowing when you pass from one to the other, it coculd be just a ditch or along a field. This site shows you the townlands mentioned and all are between Omeath and the Down border, now in Northern Ireland, there is no current inhibition when travelling from south to north or back, except Kilometres and Euros in the south and miles and pounds in the north, around Newry in the north there is usually no issue using Euro close to the border or pounds on the south side, money is still money. At the bottom of each townland are links to the census and Griffiths for that townland.

    See  the names mean Ardaghy means High Field, Drummullagh is ridge of the summit, Cornamucklagh is the Hill of some thing, possibly plain, Lislea is grey fort. As can be seen the land is hilly, mostly sheep and forestry, the mountains are not huge.

    The Irish ordinance survey is here and I doubt an above water guy needs help with maps but you can purchase old ones if you so wish. See There are historical maps available.

    The Valuation Office is a walk in place and you ask for your townland and are allowed to look through the ledger yourself, they are not great with names and plot numbers from griffiths and sub plots if they were subsequently divided, it is easy enough to look but the books are often crossed through and a new name inserted etc, the staff are most helpful. Around 1902 a law was passed in the English Parliament allowing tenants to purchase their plots after a period of land agitation coming back decades. 

    The local authoirty site is here and you can look at the archives link and the library which does genealogy, however you appear to have done most if not all available yourself.

    There is a Facebook page called Cooley Peninsula Photos Old & New or similiar which might interest you.

    I was never in New Brunswick but was in Nova Scotia and Newefoundland I think, it was a long time ago. I use the Marine Traffic app so if you give me the pilot boat name I will have a look.

    The Quinn name is common in Louth and I am currently assisting a lady who is researching Quinns but from Drogheda where I live and even that is difficult.

    Be sure to revert if you have any more queries, the preivous US vice President has Cooley ancestry.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 28th Jul 2017, 08:50PM
  • Pat Quinn:

    Here is some background on autosomal DNA testing



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 29th Jul 2017, 01:43PM
  • Roger, thanks for the DNA information, maybe I can get my dad to try the swab type, he's 89.

    Pat, the present Saint John Pilot Boats are Fundy Pilot and Captain A G Soppitt. As you look at our local maps, a lot of the immigrants from the Cooley Penninsula originaly settled in "the lower cove" portion of Saint John penninsula. According to my Dad, in his  time's that was considered to be between Queen Street and Broad Street (was Main Street). Dad and Mom moved out of the lower cove in 1961. Like so many others of the day they moved to the sub-burbs (dad was also a Marine Pilot).

    From the map you'll see Partridge Island (entrance to the harbour), this was the Quarantine station where many of the Irish Immigrants of the 1840's never made it to the city. They died on the Island and were buried in mass grave's because they were dying so fast. There is a large Celtic cross built on the Island commemorating these people.


    Pat Q.

    Pat Q

    Sunday 30th Jul 2017, 04:52PM
  • Hi Pat

    can only find the Fundy Rose on my app, thanks for the interesting info. Also today another query re Carlingford from New Brunswick, left 1821 so a bit earlier than your lot, still thought it might interest you.


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 5th Aug 2017, 11:24PM
  • Pat, hope all is still good above water with you. The other lady who posted and you asked her a query has appeared on a Facebook Page Louth Genealogy sometime back (only discovered it myself around that time and told her as she is visiting. The interesting thig is a gentleman has answered other than me and he mentions having writen a book on migration to New Brunswick from the Cooley area, he doe snot give a name or anything and I am going to post to ask if it is available, telling you in case you want to pile in.


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 10th Sep 2017, 09:26PM
  • Pat,yes still managing to keep my head above water haaaaaaa! thanks for keeping me in mind.

    There is a fellow I know from Saint John, Peter Murphy, who wrote the book "Together In Exile" which covered the emmigration of the Irish from the Cooley Penninsula to Saint John. Could this be the individual your refering to? It is a great book to have and luckily I have a copy.

    Pat Q.

    Pat Q

    Tuesday 12th Sep 2017, 01:20AM
  • Hi Pat

    will have to reappraise my opinion of ye above water people, you got it in one.

    All the best,

    The Oily Pat

    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 12th Sep 2017, 10:50PM
  • Pat- my grandmother Elizabeth Quinn was born in Cornamuckla(gh) in 1880, daughter of Hugh Quinn (1831 to 1930) and Annie Doran (1834 to 1927). I know that Hugh had 6 brothers and one sister. Trawling the same records as you have, I have found at least 7 Quinn families headed by Quinn men born between 1817 and the 1830s, but I have only found the father of a Felix Quinn (1830 to 1895); Philip Quinn. So at this point I am not able to confirm their relationships. Your William seems to be a generation before this- possibly a brother of the Philip- and Bernard a generation before that. If you and I are the same generation then we are at best 4th cousins and will only share about 3% DNA. I have had my autosomnal profile done, so let me know if you have done the same.

    I have seen the revision books in the Dublin Valuation Office. They are not online but can be copied. Their value coming forward is that they show when the main taxpayer changes and who takeover, usually because of the death of the incumbant..

    The 10 townlands in the Omeath area are very close to each other, and all residents would have come together for mass in the fields and later in St Lawrences. So they had relatives and in-laws in several townlands.

    The largest depository of older records for the area are the Earl of Angelsey Papers in the Public Records Office in Belfast. I have a copy of the list of tenants in 1784. The only Quin name is Jn &Athur Quin in Ardaghy townland.

    Contact me at: leaholme[at]btinternet[dot]com. I will be happy to swap details.


    Monday 18th Dec 2017, 09:50AM
  • Ged, glad to hear we're possibly connected. I'll try emailing your contact me address.

    Pat Q.

    Pat Q

    Wednesday 20th Dec 2017, 12:25AM

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