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 My great grandfather was Patrick Lynch born Dec 1868 in Castletown, Limerick. His parents were Markus Lynch & Margaret Mulcahy and that's about all I know.  I would love to be able to find some additional information about my gg grandparents but I'm currently hit a wall.  Any advice or help would greatly be appreciated.



Wednesday 26th Feb 2014, 01:50AM

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  • Hello Brian,

    You seem to have a lot of information regarding Patrick, and I'm wondering if you have his birth or baptismal cert?  If not then you could apply for it at  This will then give you his parents names.


    I did a quick check on for Patrick's baptismal record but can't find that or a marriage record for his parents.   If you came by your information from a tombstone then please keep an open mind regarding dates.

    If however you are sure of your information then the general register office should have his birth certificate.  Civil registration began in 1864 in Ireland so it should be there.

    Kind regards




    Wednesday 26th Feb 2014, 01:23PM
  • Thanks Anne,

    I have Patrick's Death Record which has his parents names and his bapitsm record information I found on I couldn't find any matches on rootsireland either.  Thanks for the advice. I'll try to get his birth record from maybe it will have something I didn't have.



    Wednesday 26th Feb 2014, 03:51PM

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