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I have a copy of a letter sent to my great grandfather Thomas Caffry dated 15th Nov. 1874 confirming his baptism.  The return address says "Whitrath Cottage, Dromiskin, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth". The body of the letter states, "I find in the Register of Baptisms for this paris the following entry; 6th June 1836.  Thomas of Patrick Caffry and Anne Craven. Sp. Michal Caffry and Catharine Corr.  Annagasson". It is signed Patrick McCulla P.P.

I did find a Thomas Caffry from County Louth who sailed on the ship City of Mobile sponsored by Vere Foster. That ship arrived 1st July 1857 in New York, U.S.A.

I do have confirmation of him being in British Columbia, Canada in 1868. He died here on the 14th Dec. 1888.

Hopefully someone will be able to help me find any records of him and his family in Ireland. Any information will be much appreciated.

Irene Owens   



Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 06:44AM

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    firstly I am rushing off now but will return to your query tonight, the address you give is still in existance, the country was recently post coded and you can stick an address as given in here and see it, Whiterath Cottage, Owners name not given.

    Both Catholic (RC) and Protestan Church of Ireland records are now online for the area if you can say which religion they were, the Fosters did send a number of families away and also were famous for teaching young girls reading etc. There is a census taken of there lands attached and other stuff about them, none of your names on it, I attach anyway, poor photocopy but as I got it. 

    Also an interesting site here both Caffrey and Craven feature. 

    For now


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 01:06PM
  • Thank you very much for all the information Pat.

    The Caffrey family apparently were Roman Catholic.  On the passenger list dated 1857 "The City of Mobile" listed only one Caffrey  and that was a Thomas.  In 1857 he would have been about 20 years old. 

    I have been in touch with Father Phelim McKeown of Parish Kilsaran and Stabannon. He said that the return address from my letter would be in Togher Parish which is next door to  Parish Kilsaran.

    In the Spring I hope to go Ireland again for a longer visit. I was there at the beginning of October but only had 5 days but with travel time included didn't have time to accomplish much. The Archives in Dublin sent me to St. Michael's Church in Dundalk, where they checked their records but didn't have my Thomas listed, and suggested I check with Father McKeown.  I emailed him when I got home and he put me on to Togher Parish.

    I really appreciate the time you have taken to help me. The history of Louth is a fascinating one for sure.


    Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 09:38PM
  • Hi Irene

    well the RC registers are online but a tricky read, I will attach a link, meanwhile I checked the local phone book for Louth and there are 12 Cravens and 14 Caffreys, some in the general area. bear in mind these are fixed lines so not a full reflection in these days of mobile phones, see select the residential tab as it defaults to business. Registers are a difficult read if they exist, I put in Dromiskin for the parish name and hte records for Darver came back, parishes in some cases have split wiht population growth. While the parish records go back to 1780 or so the one for 1836 is very difficult to read for me.

    I live about 20 miles from there so if you want any information on public travel or places to stay let me know, I can be emailed at also as I tell everyone visiting you should consider visiting the following two places I think the full tour takes 3 hours and a short tour here of 1,000 year old crosses… this is a free walk and very peaceful, near enough Castlebellingham and would take about an hour, also Mellifont Abbey nearby would complete a morning for you if interested. There is other stuff too. 

    This site may interest you also

    By the way the name Owens is found here too. Are you in BC.

    Also the Foster house in Collon is now a small hotel, John Foster was the last speaker of the Irish Parliment and Vere was his brother. See 

    There was also a land survey done in the 1850s called Griffiths Valuation with only head of house given and a little map of where, there are 14 Caffreys listed, and 28 Cravens, some times they are landlords rather than tenants, also the same person may be mentioned twice on different bits of land. See

    Around the time of the marriage there was also a tax or tithe for the Protestant church and the people are listed here I only seee 2 Cravens and no Caffeys but I miss some of my own too so not sure all there. One Craven is in Stabbannon which is nearby.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 11:09PM
  • hi Irene , i m from whiterath dromiskin and that cottage is only down the road from me ..i shall send on a link so you can look it up ,mary

    Mary Genevieve

    Tuesday 7th Apr 2020, 09:17AM

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