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Looking for information on Andrew Fleming who married Mary Govers in Dunleer in 1857 but later resided in Dundalk.

First son William Henry Flemining migrated to Australia in late 1870's. 6 other children born in Dundalk.

My wife is a descendant of Andrew Fleming

Cliff Carter

Monday 11th Feb 2013, 06:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Cliff,


    Thank you for your message. I have forwarded it to one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to advise or assist you.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Friday 12th Apr 2013, 03:58PM
  • Hi, our volunteer has come back with the following information:


    I believe this marriage took place in the 1860's in Dunleer it was a civil ceremony conducted by the local magistrate of the area.  The GRO or the British magistrates roll will have the record of this and of any subsequent children arising from it.

    Monday 15th Apr 2013, 08:44AM

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