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Dia Daoibh,

I have done a fairly satisfying job of locating all available (digital) records relating to Matthew and Sarah and their children. I am their great-grandson. In addition to stories from my grandfather, their son John Joseph Hoey, who emigrated to the United States in 1923, multiple ecclesiastical and civil records make reference to their residence as being on the "Sea Road, Castlebellingham." The 1901 and 1911 census places them in Gernonstown, which does allow for that location. It appears (based on Griffiths Valuation maps compared to contemporary maps) that the Sea Road in Louth may not extend as far southward as it once did. At any rate, it seems as though (based again on Griffiths Valuation's possible reference to my great, great-grandfather, also a Matthew Hoey) that they may have lived near what is known as Linns, just north of Annagasson, but that's only speculation.

Also, I include an image (that I have as a photocopy of a photo from a family member of my father's generation) of a memorial marker erected by my grandfather, John Joseph Hoey, for his parents. It notes his parents as having lived on the Sea Road.

I'm going to be visiting Ireland next month and would really like to see if I can locate the ancestral home. I would also be keen to find the memorial marker pictured in the attached file. And, I would very much like to find the graves of my great-grandparents, both of whom died in the county in 1940. It is possible that the memorial marker was place at gravesite.

My sincere appreciation for any possible leads and for any offers of help upon my arrival in County Louth next month.



Monday 20th May 2019, 04:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Brian:

    Thank you for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board and for the details about your family research.  We do have a volunteer in the Dundalk area and I will copy him with this post as he may have further contacts or be able to assist you.


    Please let me know if you have any other questions or if you need further assistance.


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 21st May 2019, 11:15AM
  • Thank you kindly, Jane. I hope to hear from him and would be grateful for any assistance.


    Tuesday 21st May 2019, 11:48AM
  • Hi Brian, I live about 20 miles south of Castlebellingham in Drogheda. A lot of the graveyards in Louth have been transcribed and are listed on this site, there are a number of Matthew Hoey but no Sarah, however I do not think any of the M. Hoey's are yours and it is probable to me the graveyard in Kilsaran is the one, this is a separate village but like a suburb of Castlebellinghan which it self is a small village. The grand child in the inscription is from Milestown which is in Kilsaran, this site shows where it is, I also see a couple of queries on Ancestry where the burials are in Kilsaran, so I think you should schedule a visit there. I also was looking at some records in my own possession and see a Marley from Kilsaran lost his life in WW1.

    Also see two Hoeys listed in a local census of Castlebellingham in 1837, and some other records of the names but no address. By the way the first mention of Castlebellingham is in 1710, previous to this it was known as Gernonstown. There is a book published in 1903 and republished in 1988 but not now available on the History of Kilsaran Union of Parishes, I have only seen the book in the library reference section, an interesting read if you are into the local history and of course have the time to sit in a library for a day.

    I will assist you in any way I can and if I am up in Kilsaran I will have a look in the graveyard, let me know what assisiance you may need and you can mail me at my site address of stpeters@  



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 21st May 2019, 09:54PM
  • Hello, Pat. Thank you for reaching out. I will contact you at the address that you've provided.


    Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 03:33PM

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