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I am trying to Trace my Gt Gt Grandfather  James Brodigan who I believe was born in Drogheda in 1816, he went on to marry Ann McCabe.  I know by the 1841 census that he was now living in Sheffield, England 

any help would be really grateful 

Saturday 10th Jan 2015, 05:31PM

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  • Susan:

    I checked the Roots Ireland indexes for Co. Louth and located two possible records. Both were in the Dunleer RC church which is north of Drogeda.

    1812 James Brodigan (or variant spelling) parents Michael and Mary

    1819 James Brodigan (or variant spelling) father Michael could not determine mothers name

    As an aside, the records for St. Marys Drogheda only go back to 1835 so if James was baptized at that church, the record is not available. St. Peters Drogheda go back to the 1700s.

    This summer the National Library is placing RC parish registers online for free searching. You may want to search the various parish records at that time.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 10th Jan 2015, 06:59PM

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