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Friday 30th Jan 2015, 11:21AM

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  • Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 30th Jan 2015, 04:12PM
  • Roger, 

    This is curious :  the listings for Albert and Elizabeth seem right (ie my maternal grandfather and mother), both staunch Methodists., although the ages seem wrong because she was much younger than him. 

    The servants names could well be right, but long before my time as at 1911.

    The numbers 10 and 6  Drumleck do'nt ring a bell, but perhaps they applied then..

    It would be nice to go back from 1911 ; I understand that my grandfather ( Albert Jeffers) took on the farm and came there from Cork. 

    None of my aunts or uncles are alive now so I can't ask them !  My mother's remains were laid to rest in the Castlebellingham church though (1993). 

    Thanks for prompt response - I discovered the site from watching Irish TV  which we can get here in the UK.  



    Patrick Hawkey





    Friday 30th Jan 2015, 10:01PM
  • Patrick:

    The Albert listed is the son of Elizabeth not her husband. The husband died prior to 1901.

    Ignore the house 6 and house 10. It was the same house. When the constables collected the census forms they assigned a house number in the order of the houses visited within a townland.

    The 1854 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Dromiskin civil parish shows a Francis Jeffers in Drumleck townland. I assume this is the father of your grandfather?

    So far, I have been unable to locate a death index record for your grandfather.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 12:15AM
  • Roger, 

    Thanks - and apologies for my misunderstanding. However, presumably Albert was indeed my grandfather (whom I do remember from my school holidays at Drumleck as a bearded old man !).

    He died peacefully in his bed (overlooking the Mourne mountains) around 1964 I think, and is also buried in Castlebellingham churchyard. 

    Francis must have been his father. The name Francis was mentioned in the family, but I know nothing more about him. 






    Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 11:58AM
  • Hi Patrick / Roger

    looking back over queries in various parishes I answered in and found this one, out of curiousity I searched Jeffers in this site for Louth and see a number of hits including one for 1756 (scroll down page to 3rd listing on that particular hit, persons allowed to bear arms. No certs or such like but interesting number of Jeffers found including a Francis in Druleck.

    See Just put Jeffers in the search box.

    Some Christmas reading for you,


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 17th Dec 2016, 11:00PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Fascinating.  That could get me back 3 generations !  If William Jeffers was a baron in Co Louth in 1756 then it is likely he was a forbear of Francis Jeffers whom you found as head of the Drumleck houshold in 1854 (my great grandfather). A barony proves our Protestant credentials anyway ! 

    `Durleck` is surely a corruption of Drumleck. 

    I shall certainly enjoy reading all this stuff over Christmas. Many thanks.








    Sunday 18th Dec 2016, 08:38AM
  • Patrick:

    The thanks go to my associate Pat in St. Peter's parish. All the best with your research.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 18th Dec 2016, 05:58PM
  • Patrick & Roger, the reference you make to your Protestant ancestors got me looking up Church of Ireland records which for County Louth are fairly well done online at Drumleck appears to me to be in the parish of Dromiskin and Mansfieldstown which are online but no Jeffers, also Kilsaran nearby has no Jefferc but St Peters Drogheda (about 15 mils south of Castlebellingham) has 2 Jeffers births, interestingly same parents and profession of Father is a Gentleman, so something to live up to Patrick (take it to mean he had enough money not to work) address Fair Street which runs parallel to the main steet in the town and would have been a good address in the day. 

    In the St Peters deaths there are also a number of deaths including a number of Jeffers some with an address of Rose Hall Killineer which is 2 miles circa north of Drogheda, there is a brief description of this house in the locally published Street & Lanes of Drogheda, a bit odd as it is outside the town so assume it is of some signifigance. 

    Also find it odd that there are so few Jeffers to be located in the online records, is it possible some were Presbyterian or Methodist, Protestant marriages were recorded in the civil record from 1845 See all else from 1864. click civil records and follow instructions, church records not online in full on this site yet. Two Jeffer marriages one Francis in 1854 in Drogheda, plenty around the country from 1845 to 1863.

    It is also possible that a wealthy family would have its own church and graveyard and you might try asking here

    Get back if you have any queries.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 20th Dec 2016, 11:30PM
  • Pat,

    I'm sure Drumleck was indeed in  the parish of Dromiskin (& Mansfieldstown) . My childhood memories are of frequent talk of Dromiskin, and Drogheda.  

    Gentleman from Drogheda ?  Possible, nobody I can ask now. But the 1854 marriage of Francis was presumably my great grandfather, listed on the Census at the time as head of the household at Drumleck. 

    Grandfather was also a staunch Methodist I can assure you !  No  private graveyard, but he does have an awfully big grave in the church at Castlebellingham. His family was large, and his predecessors too I would expect, so dispersement throughout the country is probable. There also seem to be lots of Jeffers in the US, particularly around the North East eg Connecticut, so these were likely immigrants.  

    I'll check out the links you kindly provided and see if anything else turns up. 

    Spent last evening at the carol service in St Just in Roseland church ; it's quite beautiful and legend has it that Jesus came here with his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea before going on to Glastonbury (where he planted his staff that became the famous tree which flowers every Christmas).  But the Warden there in the late 19th century was one Edward Hawkey. My paternal great great great grandfather is also buried up the road in Tregony - which I did'nt know until we moved here. This geneology stuff is getting very absorbing for me !





    Wednesday 21st Dec 2016, 08:32AM
  • Patrick

    Albert James Jeffers (born on 23 Mar 1868, Died Aug 25 1955) was the grandson of James Jeffers and Jane Forde (of Rosehall, Drogheda). Jane was the eldest daughter of Francis Forde, landlord of Carnally and GlasDrummon, Armagh, who died  in 1849. James Jeffers took over managing the Forde estate, as Francis Forde fell out with his eldest son, William, and had him prosecuted and transported to Australia. His other son, Francis fell of a horse and died at about the same time. A second marriage and a second son Francis also ended in tragedy.

    Francis Forde snr was of the Chruch of Ireland, and his first wife, Mary MacMahon, was Roman Catholic. Forde was descended from a notable family that contained many MPs and plantation landlords. The Jeffers were probably the Methodists.




    Sunday 16th Dec 2018, 01:08AM


    Many thanks for this.  It is the first mention of the Forde family for me, but Jane is a family christian name apparently and I have a cousin to prove it !  She is the second daughter of my late uncle, Robin Jeffers of Drumleck (son of Albert James).

    I do remember my maternal grandfather Albert James, and indeed his death in 1955, but the Forde family connection is fascinating - as is the subsequent history in the Jeffers family.   

    When Albert James died he left the running of Drumleck to his sons Robin and Ernie :  Ernie's eldest son Richard inherited his father's half share and sold it without telling Robin first. He went off to New Zealand with the proceeds, and as you might imagine, was persona non grata in the family for years. This feud really only ended when my mother died in 1992 and we all went over for the funeral.  So the account of Francis Forde falling out with his son.William and shipping him off to the Antipodes has a karmic ring to it !  Ernie's second son Dennis was also tragically killed in a road accident as a boy. 

    Ireland does have some tragic history does'nt it. 

    Many thanks again for digging this out and posting for my attention. 


    Patrick  .  


    Monday 17th Dec 2018, 10:01PM
  • Hi Patrick
    I did not know that Robin had passed away. I am sorry. I had hoped him.
    I am a descendant of Jane Jeffers' brother William and have only recently connected with the Jeffers family.
    I have much more information on this tree but am travelling at the moment.
    I can let you know a lot more if I have some private contact details. I am not sure how this works on this site.
    Sounds like you are in NZ. If so I might be able to link you to some of your family who are there at the moment.


    Tuesday 18th Dec 2018, 09:54AM
  • Gay, 

    Firstly I should apologise for a possible inaccuracy in  referring to my `late` uncle Robin ; I do not know for sure if he has passed on, or when. If he is still alive he would be well into his 80's though (and living at Drumleck), and the last remaining member of Albert's family.  I have been unable to trace any record of his death - so would be most grateful if you could advise in due course. 

    Please do feel free to contact me.  I live in Cornwall  (I'm 15th generation `proper Cornish` on father's side and  better weather here !).  Herewith contact details : 

    e -

    T -  (0)1872 580423

    M - 07504 772094 

    The NZ connection is still a little vague for me - but curiously my paternal grandmother was a Kiwi too. 








    Wednesday 19th Dec 2018, 07:49AM
  • Patrick, Gabriel, your query popped up in my inbox and I twigged Methodist, having recently discovered that Methodist records are not online, there is a Methodist museum in Belfast and I have previously found them helpful.

    I collect local history books and recently came across a list of Methodist baptisms in the Drogheda area, 1856 birth 11th Dec baptism 7th January of Francis Ford Jeffers, parents Francis and Elizabeth of Drumleck and also in 1864 so should be on the civil record on Irish Genealogy a free site but sign in, Anna Mary daughter of Francis and Elizabeth O. of Castlebellingham. 

    I saw no Fordes. Notice the 2nd name of the first boy though.

    A priest published a book in 1903 I think on the history of the Union of Kilsaran, Castlebellingham and Mansfieldstown and Dromiskin. A lady researching Ginnitty in Dromiskin was over and I done some checking in the area. The book is only available in the reference section of the local library, one of the librarians is a neighbour and I have asked if he would have a look for Jeffers in it. I can go in myself but it could be late January.  

    I checked the site on Louth previously mentioned and see a number of Forde mentions including one very old one for the St Marys Church of Ireland in Drogehda, south of the Boyne, here is the inscription Elizabeth Forde erected this stone, James Forde 11th August 1770 aged 42 and Nicholas Byrne 26th March 1782 age 48. 

    There is a grave inscription in St Peters C of I Drogheda for a Forde and a Jeffers, I am looking for it but am unable to locate it just now but can access it if you wish either here or in the library.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 20th Dec 2018, 10:21PM
  • Thanks Pat
    The Methodist records are a grand find.
    I have the Forde inscription and an article about the Forde and Jeffers lands in South Armagh by Forde expert Jem Murphy. I will upload the them in the next few days when I get access to my computer.


    Friday 21st Dec 2018, 07:49AM


    Many thanks for this. Incidentally, since you are òn the spot` perhaps you could advise on whether my uncle Robin Jeffers of Drumleck is still alive (or not) - I have been unable to find any death record from here in the UK, and I'm sure Gay (in Australia) would like to know too.

    Any further info on the Fordes would be of great interest for both of us. The use of Ford as a second name for the Jeffers son is an obvious clue as you say, but there was never any mention of them within the family that I can recall..

    My grandfather Albert's first son was named Frank ; perhaps it's speculation on my part, but could this be a derivation from Francis ?

    Unfortunately, Frank brought a new meaning to the old expression `betting the farm` ; he was an inveterate gambler and apparently lost a bet for which part of Drumleck was staked. Staunch Methodist Albert somehow sorted it out though !

    Look forward to hearing more from you in due course. 







    Friday 21st Dec 2018, 12:46PM
  • Hi Patrick you are correct that Francis is Frank as in my brother in law. I am not that local to Castlebellingham, live about 20 miles south of it near Drogheda. However that is much closer than Cornwall, one of my wifes ancestors came from there in 1605 apparently. I think there may be a connection to the Cooley area from there but back to business.

    I searched RIP back to 1988 and got a lot of dead Jeffers but only 2 in Louth and imagine this is the most likely one of interest

    The death has occurred of Phyllis JEFFERS (née Dennison)
    Castlebellingham, Louth


    Phyllis Jeffers née Dennison, "Greencroft" Castlebellingham, Co. Louth. 3rd April 2017 in her 96th year, peacefully at home. Predeceased by her husband Ernie and dear son Dennis. Beloved mother will be missed by Richard (New Zealand), Christine and Clive and their spouses Janis (New Zealand), Brian and Geraldine. Granny will be missed by her nine grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren, her sister Yvonne, brother-in-law Robin, relatives and friends.

    eoughs Funeral Home, Jocelyn Street, from 3pm until 5pm on Wednesday. Funeral Service on Thursday at 11am in St. Mary's Church, Castlebellingham. Cremation afterwards in Glasnevin Crematorium. Family flowers only. Donation to National Council of the Blind and R.N.L.I.

    Date Published: Tuesday 4th April 2017

    Date of Death: Monday 3rd April 2017


    See  You might wish to consider a subscription site for old newspapers, apparently the British Newspaper Archive is the best for old Irish ones but there are Irish ones also and other sites. A well known family would  have got a lot of coverage, mine turn up on the courts section usually alcohol involved or some such issue.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 21st Dec 2018, 04:50PM
  • PatrickPat,

    Thank you so much for prompt clarification ; the Francis/Frank thing would seem to underline the Forde family connection.

    Thanks too for Auntie Phyllis notice : she was my mother’s best friend and I have fond memories of her. This notice would also confirm that (as of April 2017 anyway) Robin is still alive.

    I will write to him - we always got on well and all this new family stuff is a perfect reason.




    Saturday 22nd Dec 2018, 07:55AM
  • Hi Pat, Roger and Patrick

    Perhaps this entry from…

    sheds some light on the above discussion about religious denomination


    Fee farm grant to Albert Jeffers, Jocelyn Street, Methodist Church, £1:9:1.

    26 Feb 1830



    Also - here is the Fored-Jeffers inscription

    In memory of Francis Forde, son of Alderman James Forde of Drogheda who died 3 May 1849, aged 76 years.

    His grandson William Jeffers died 7th Jan 1849 aged 5 years.

    And his granddaughter Mary N. Jeffers died 23 Nov. 1853 aged 16 years.

    Also his daughter Jane Forde wife of James Jeffers, of Rose Hall Drogheda died 22 Oct 1875 aged 62 years. “Her children arise up and call her blessed”.

    And the above James Jeffers died 19th May 1876 aged 84 years.

    Also their grandson WM A Banks died 24 Dec 1869 aged 9 years.

    Henrietta Jeffers of Rose Hall died 2 July 1887 aged 33 years.

    Emily B Jeffers of Rose Hall, 12 March 1892 aged 24 years.

    Nathaniel Jeffers, Wyanstown, Co. Dublin died 8 July 1906 aged 65 years.

    Katherine, wife of Nathaniel, 18th Oct 1912, aged 61 years




    Sunday 23rd Dec 2018, 02:20AM
  • Dear All, I am married to Robin Jeffers second daughter, Sarah. Many years ago Robin commissioned a genealogist to research the Jeffers/Forde line. I built on that research and included the Allen Family into it as well. Robin was married to Lorna Allen. Sadly Robin passed away on Friday 3rd April 2020 at Drumleck. I hope this help. Best wishes Charles Hall





    Monday 6th Apr 2020, 09:15AM

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