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September 1, 2012



Good Afternoon.


I wish to thank you, in advance, for any assistance or guidance you may be able to offer  our travel group.


We are traveling to Ireland two weeks from today (depart Chicago September 15th; arrive Dublin the following day).  Our group is family-based (3 siblings, two wife’s, & a friend).  Some research has been completed before our trip planning by the Hibernian Research Company Ltd.  We would love to see where our ancestors might have come from during our upcoming holiday.  Here is the information that I do have:


Family name:                Morgan


·        Nicholas Morgan, Sr.

o       From Baltray, Ireland

o       Father Capt. Pat Morgan

o       Mother Judith Kelly, of Baltray

o       Born March 18, 1828

o       Baptized  March 15, 1829

·        Sponsors Nicholas Kelly & Mary Hawthorn (?)


·        Patrick Morgan (Father of Nicholas Morgan)

o       Sea Captain

o       Married Judith Kelly April 8, 1828

·        Witnesses N. Kelly & John Campbell

o       Patrick Morgan’s son Thomas

·        Thomas’s Mother was Rose Noonan

·        Baptized April 13, 1824

·        Sponsors Thomas Morgan & Mary Anne O’Leary


·        Thomas Morgan (Grandfather of Nicholas Morgan)

o       Sea Captain

o       Passed away in January, 1833



I am not well versed in genealogy, but I hope I have provided some important information for you.  I do have a 7-page document that I could email to your organization that might provide extra information.  If you would like to see this document please let me know & I will email it.  Our travel group is very interested in visiting the town and/or residents that the Morgan Family may be resided in.


Thank you very much.



Debra Larsen, wife of Patrick Morgan Larsen

Franklin, Wisconsin USA



Saturday 1st Sep 2012, 06:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Debra,

    Please see earlier post.


    Monday 3rd Sep 2012, 03:50PM
  • Good Morning & Greetings from Franklin, Wisconsin.


    I so do appreciate your offer of assistance in helping to locate our family ancestors - the Morgans.  I will forward the 7-page document that we have.  My husband Patrick scanned each page as a separate document.  So my email will have 7 attachments.

    I will send these emails to you this afternoon.

    Thank you.


    Debbie Larsen

    Monday 3rd Sep 2012, 04:45PM

Post Reply