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Jane Maria Coogan. Born 11/12/1888. Parents Andrew Coogan and Mary Toner. I can find information for a number of siblings but not Jane.

Patrick Joseph McDonald. Born June 13, 1882. Parents: John McDonald and Mary Garland. 

Any assistance/guidance would be appreciated.

James mcdonald

Friday 1st May 2015, 12:42PM

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  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Roger, our Castlemore Volunteer has asked that I post this on his behalf

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support


    I looked on Roots Ireland and could not find baptismal/birth records for Jane Maria Coogan or Patrick McDonald.
    The National Library of Ireland is placing all RC parish registers online for free searching on July 8th. I would review the Termonfeckin RC church parish register at that time. it is possible that the records for Jane Marie and Patrick were hard to read/transcribe and therefore are not on Roots.
    Roger McDonnell

    Friday 1st May 2015, 03:48PM

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