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I am looking for ancestors and descendants of my gggrandfather Daniel McManamon (not the Dan'l son of Neale) who lived in Doona during the Griffith's Survey. He married Bridget Lenahan. Based on proximity of houses in Griffith's, I believe that he might have had three sons Patrick, John, and Phelim. My ggreatgrandmother, Mary, emigrated to the US in 1865 and lived in Wilkes-Barre, PA. She married Michael Collins. The McManamons/McMenimans were thrown out of the Finn Valley,Donegal by Cromwell in the 1650's.

I went to Doona several years ago and tried to meet with  McManamon who lived there but he would not meet with me.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday 16th Dec 2014, 08:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    I have just replied to your earlier query re the Finn Valley.

    Unfortunately records for the RC parish of Ballycroy don't begin until the 1880s so you won't be able to find baptism records for the children of Daniel and Bridget. Have you already looked at or on the basis that Bridget was born outside of Ballycroy, perhaps in a parish where records begin earlier - just something to cross off the list.

    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 7th Jan 2015, 04:25PM
  • Greetings - 

    I am a descendent of this group and many of them ended up in the Cleveland area (as did loads of other folks from Achill - many Achill names match up).

    In ascending order (and order of accuracy)

    my father is

    John Joseph McManamon

    b Cleveland, Ohio  April 29, 1934

    d Phoenix, AZ May 30, 2003 (buried in Cleveland)

    his father was

    Joseph Edward McManamon

    b Cleveland Ohio  December 30 1909

    d  Cleveland Ohio June 6, 1971

    his father was

    John William McManamon

    b Cleveland Ohio  April 28, 1877

    d Cleveland Ohio  1949

    and where things get fuzzy is the uncertainty whether John Wm was the son of 

    (Jeremiah) "Darby" McManamon

    listed as 31 in 1880 census 

    and I have seen his naturalization record and know that he originally settled in Wiles-Barre, PA prior to moving on to Cleveland (where you cannot swing a dead cat without hittng a McManamon)

    or of his sibling John (of whom we know nothing)

    My Dad attended a reunion in Westport around 2000 and may have discovered more but did not record it).  I also have a "cousin", Bob Agnew of Chicago who is a direct descendent of Darby and knows a bit more of the Wilkes-Barre connection (I'll ping him to ring in here).  My suspicion is that my Dad got quite excited that here was actual documentation of Darby and decided to latch onto that but other info I have has Darby with 3 daughters and no sons.

    In any event, hope this helps you trace a bit of the PA connection.  

    Aileen McManamon

    b 1965 Cleveland Ohio








    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 09:47PM
  • That's great thanks for getting in touch - let me know if you would both like to privately pass along email contacts and I will facilitate

    All the best


    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 9th Feb 2016, 01:29PM
  • I have found a record of my Doona McManamons arrival at Castle Garden, NY, on the ship Chancellor on May 3, 1865. The family name was horribly mispelled (Mcmanama) but the ages and first names are correct. The two oldest children (Catherine and Phelim) apparently stayed in Ireland. Daniel McManamon and his wife Bridget Lenahan arrived with their remaining children Mary (my GGGm), Margaret, Anthony, Anna, and John. I cannot find no trace of them in Wilkes-Bare, but I suspect they went to Sugar Notch.

    Ray Harris




    Tuesday 15th Aug 2017, 07:49PM
  • I don't have records, but my great granmother, Ann McManamon, was born in County Mayo, probably Ballycroy, in 1841.  She had a number of siblings (Mary, Martin, Bridget, etc.) who settled in Buffalo, New York when they came to the U.S. in about 1856.  My Ancestry DNA shows that I'm genetically related to your Daniel McManamon family.  My match on ancestry ("jaschr71") shows these children:  Catherine, Felix (Phelim?), Mary, Margaret, Anthony, Ann, John.  They appeared to have settled in the Luzerne County area of Pennsylvania.  In an 1895 copywright book that I got from my great uncle after he died, there is an address listed for a John Lengahan in Sugar Notch, near Wilkes-Baree.  He is probably related to this family as well.  I would love to learn more about these relations.

    David Gaffaney



    Thursday 22nd Nov 2018, 10:49PM
  • Hi - I am Therese Caffrey.  There are Lenahans and McManamons in my family tree.  My family lived in Sugar Notch, PA.  Luzern County. 

    Please check the following link out:

    Below is a sample, There is much more info.

    My email is

     JAMES JEROME3 CAFFREY (MARY MARGARET2 LENAGHAN, ANTHONY M.1 LENAHAN) was born December 26, 1891 in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania, and died April 19, 1928 in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania.  He married AGNES MAE MCMANAMON September 22, 1920 in St. Charles Church, Sugar Notch, PA, daughter of ANTHONY MCMANAMON and ANNA DOUGHERTY.  She was born February 05, 1892 in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania, and died September 29, 1976 in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania.


    Children of JAMES CAFFREY and AGNES MCMANAMON are:

    25.              i.    ESTHER4 CAFFREY, b. July 21, 1921, Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania; d. January 28, 1996, Stratford, Fairfield County, CT.

    26.             ii.    RITA AGNES CAFFREY, b. 1923.

                     iii.    JAMES M. CAFFREY, b. October 26, 1925, Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania; d. October 01, 1998, Treasure Island, FL; m. GLORIA; d. 1996.



    Friday 23rd Nov 2018, 09:48PM
  • Wow, so much to look through! Ancestry's Thrulines thinks at least that Bridget Lenahan who married Daniel McManamon was the sister of my 3x great grandmother Anne Lenahan of Doona.  Anne married Michael O'Boyle and their daughter Bridget married Michael Corrigan and they emigrated with family in early 1860's. Lived  in Luzerne Co, PA and later Juneau. Co, Wisc.

    I  would be interested in sharing with anyone about these families -  including surnames Corrigan, O'Boyle, Lenahan (various spellings), Conway,  McManamon (various spellings).

    I have a LOT of DNA matches with these names from Doona/Ballycroy and some from Achill as well. I have two Corrigan ancestors whose children married (my great grandparents) so its difficult separating the two families. 


    Pat Corrigan Cotter 



    Pat Corrigan Cotter

    Thursday 10th Oct 2019, 12:45AM

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