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 My research is centered around the name FAGAN. My Husband has a genetic match with a gentleman named Fagan from Kilmeena Ireland. We are anxious to connect with Mr Fagan to learn about his family geneolagical history. Our earliest Fagan ancester is William Fagan born 1811.Where exactly we don't know.

Looking forward to some information as we have looked long and hard.



Friday 12th Apr 2013, 05:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your message.

    It may be an idea to check a local phone book for the name Fagan in order to make contact with this gentleman.


    Alternatively, you could try contacting the parish offices in Kilmeena to see if they can assist you in making contact.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Monday 27th May 2013, 08:51AM

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