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Searching for lineage/ancestry of Nicholas Patrick Hughes of the above address, born in 1860 or thereabouts. Am I in the right parish?

Monday 26th Oct 2015, 08:00PM

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  • Kathryn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I found an 1861 record in the Turlough/Parke RC records which appears to be your ancestor. See transcription below from Roots Ireland. The civil parish would be Turlough. 

    There were four siblings that I could locate: Mary in 1859, Ann in 1863, Bridget in 1865 and Anthony in 1870. The first four records showed the mother's surname as Hughes but the record for Anthony showed Bridget Connell.

    The 1901 census for Muckanagh showed Anthony and his sister Bridget so perhaps the parents were deceased.…

    Roger McDonnell


    Name:Nicholas HughesDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:03-Nov-1861Address:MucknaghParish/District:TURLOUGH/PARKEGender:MaleCountyMAYO
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Pat HughesMother:Bridget HughesOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:John RocheSponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Mary Roche

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 26th Oct 2015, 08:25PM
  • I have just transcribed some headstones from Mayo Lough Abbey and believe I may have information on Anthony Hughes. The transcription of the stone reads: 

    O Lord have mercy | on the soul of | PAT HUGHES who died | June 20th 1869, Aged | 33 (?) years. Also his wife | who died March 2, 1889 | aged 60 years | Also their daughter | | MARY HUGHES who | died September 1st 1915 | Aged 54 years | Also their son ANTHONY HUGHES | Died March 12th …. | Aged 72 years | R.I.P. | Erected by ANTHONY HUGHES. The ... means that the date is illegible but if you want to go with the information that was on the 1911 census supplied by Roger, the death date would be 1942 which is very possible from what I can see. If you want to see the actual headstone, it is contained on the website:

    Hope this helps!

    Thursday 3rd Mar 2016, 12:29AM

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