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Wondering if anyone has any tips on tracking County Mayo residents through the Potato Famine? I have no idea if my relations stayed in Sessiagh, County Mayo, Ireland throughout that period, or moved, or travelled as migrant workers? I have them in Sessiagh in 1844 (for a baptism) and then again in 1857 (on the Griffiths Land Valuation). Is there any good way to fill in the in between time?
Thank you for any advice or help you can offer,

Saturday 1st Nov 2014, 11:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Casey
    The Tithe Applotments 1823-37 are too early and the Irish Censuses 1901 & 1911 are too late.
    Were there children born between 1844 & 1857 as the parish of the birth record would show you where they were.
    You might want to try but it is a subscription site.
    Alternatlively if you give First and Last names and approx birth years I can have a look there for you.

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 09:13AM
  • Hi Col,
    Thank you so much (again!). Well, although I've been doing this research for well over a year, I only just visited after you pointed me there on ANOTHER question I'd asked. That's where I got several births, baptisms, and marriages. So now I basically have my 3x great grandfather and grandmother (Patrick Egan and Mary Gibbons) married in 1834. They have four children (that I've found) and I have each one's baptism. The last is baptised in 1844. All this happens in Sessiagh, County Mayo, Ireland.
    Then there's the gap that lasts until the Griffith Land Valuation (according to Wikipedia, the survey in County Mayo County was completed in July of I'm using 1857 as an estimate). That leaves a thirteen year gap in the family's timeline, but I don't know if it's because the children were all growing up (no births, marriages, etc) or if the Egans went somewhere else for a time.
    The next event I have following the Griffith Land Valuation is my direct descendent Patrick Egan (Jr??) getting married to Bridget Garvey in 1873. From there I have their (unmarried) children and the family on the 1901 and 1911 censuses.

    So, I guess I just hit a wall in that time? Oddly, I haven't found death certificates on any of my Egans on at all. I also have had a hard time tracing the children of the two generations (other than my direct descendent) because most of them are girls. The marriage certificates on rootsireland don't seem to show the parents of the married I don't know if I have the correct women.

    I don't know why I bothered you with all this. Maybe I just need to stop whining about it and move on!? ;)

    Thank you so much! Best Wishes to You,

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 02:12PM
  • Hi Casey,

    I don't think you were whining!

    Sometimes it helps to get someone else to check to make sure you haven't missed anything.

    It helps to get a bit of help with Irish geneaglogy as it's such a frustrating pursuit!

    You could do a bit of volunteering on the site & help a few less knowledgable / experienced as yourself - if you have the time of course.



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 07:31PM
  • Hi Col,
    Thanks for your kindness and encouragement. I definitely don't think I have a good handle on any of this stuff yet. I have names and dates, but organizing and understanding it all seems a far way off. But I have learned alot from yourself and a couple others on this site. Maybe I can try to pass some of those tips along?. I'll see if I can find someone struggling with the basics. I'll be of little help I'm sure...but I guess that's better than nothing! ;)
    Thanks so much again,

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 08:20PM

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