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I have been researching the Metge family in County Meath, Peter Metge (1665-1735) being the first to live there.  He was a Hugueonot from Brittany and came to Ireland about the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1785).  He married Joyce Hatch and had one son, Peter and 4 daughters.  His son Peter (1700-1774) also had a son, Peter who married Anne Jane Lyon and had a large family. His son Peter (1744-1809) was a Baron of the Exchequer and seems to be quite a controversial character.  There is also another Peter Metge (1775-1822) who lived in Navan and married a widow, Catherine and had 1 daughter and three sons.  I have made contacts with several of this latter Peter Metge's descendents but we do not know how the two families are connected.  I would very much like to solve this mystery.

Wednesday 25th Sep 2013, 03:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Tish,

    Not sure if it's any help but there are 2 Peter Metges listed on baptisms/births (a pay site).

    I simply searched for Peter Metge Meath with no year specified.

    They are both baptism records one 1809 and one 1879 the latter being Peter Ponsonby Metge!

    The 1809 had a father named Peter but the 1879 didn't. The parish in Meath of both registrations was Navan RC.

    You're probably aware the the Tithe Applotments (free to search) have 2 Peter P Metges listed in Meath - 1 in Johnstown Athlumney 1833 & the other Balreask Navan (no date)

    Griffiths Valuation done in Meath in 1865 has quite a few Peter Metges including a few Peter P's.

    Here are all the Metge Meath birth/baptism records other than Peter on

    John 1805 James 1807 Catherine Mgt 1811 Francis 1846 Robert Henry 1875 Louisa Charlotte 1876 Eileen Mary 1878 Ethel 1880 Rudolph Cole 1881 Maria 1882 Edith Cole 1884 Gladys IFFerson Cole 1884 Gladys Joyce Lambert Cole 1884 Selwyn IBBerson Cole 1886 Francis Charles Cole 1889 Dorothy Elizabeth Cole 1896

    It was very surprising that there were no marriage records on rootsireland for Metges in Meath.

    There are 9 Metge marriage records in other counties:

    John 1791 Dublin Arraminta 1846 Tipperary Jame 1858 Dublin Elizabeth (Medge) 1876 Antrim 2 X Frances 1877 Down William 1878 Antrim Robert Henry 1893 Antrim John Charles 1893 Limerick

    Col Cafferky   

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 25th Sep 2013, 09:31PM
  • Hi Tish,

    I am descended from an Esther Metge who married Patrick Hand in Dublin in the late 1830's. I believe I have found her in the 1821 census for Meath (Etty Metge - daughter of Catherine).

    Are you also descended from this family? I would love to hear back from you regarding this - it would be brilliant to find out more about this family.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Colleen Sloan

    Monday 16th Sep 2019, 09:42PM

    Hi Colleen

    I am also a descendant of Ester Metge. I am trying to look further back but slow to get info. 

    If interested in talking please contact me through FB.

    Brian Carey




    Sunday 3rd Jan 2021, 09:21PM

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