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The only hint of where my Irish gggrandfather, Patrick O’Riley came from [from oral tradition] is that he was born in Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, Ireland in 1831. His father James O’Riley and mother, Mary Mooney, given on his second marriage certificate to a new wife in Milwaukee, later 1860s.

He arrived in New York City in the late 1840s [too many Patricks to narrow down]. He married Mary Ellen Malone there and they had one least one child born in the Brooklyn area, named James.

About 1857 they left and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Patrick died there in 1888.

Mike Reilly

Friday 3rd Oct 2014, 06:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mike, there is no baptism I can see on Roots Ireland, a few Mary Mooney mothers but no Patrick born to any of them and in Oldcastle anyway and later than expected, Dunshaughlin has records at the time, from your post he was only 9 arrivin in NY is this correct, also found no marriage of the couple, there are some marriages to those surnames but not Christian name.

    You can see where records began in each parish on the site here but there are other records on the Roots Ireland site but not a lot and I searched there.

    Not lookng good for a records I am afraid.



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 16th Mar 2024, 12:18AM

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