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I believe I may have finally found my GG Grandparents after almost 20 years and am so excited that I'm having trouble keeping objective. 

My GG Grandparents James and Mary (Keenan) O'Neil gave birth to their first son, John, Jan 31, 1847 in Dublin (according to Johns Civil War records here in America). Following this they had a daughter named Ann about 1848 (September according to one census record). They then left Ireland for New York arriving, I believe, in 1849. After arriving they had 4 more children abd sadly lost at least one. James O'Neil's parents were John and Martha and Mary's parents were Arthur and Jane Keenan according to their death certificates. I found a James Keenan living very close to my James and Mary in New York and a record of money he sent back to his father, Arthur in Meath. It is an awful lot of coincicence that this James has the same last name as my Mary, lives so close in a small town and that they both have a father named Arthur. So I think they are brother and sister. 

I have found the following 2 parish records in

** Name:John Neil lParish:Stamullen Diocese:MeathCounty: Meath Baptism Date:1 Jan 1846 Father's Name:James Neill Mother's name:Mary Keenan Sponsor Witness 1:Arthur Savage Sponsor Witness 2:Margt Byrne

** Name:Ann Neill Parish:Stamullen Diocese:Meath County: Meath Baptism Date:30 Jul 1847 Father's Name:James Neill Mother's name:Mary Keenan Sponsor Witness 1:Henry Nall Sponsor Witness 2:Ellen Kiernan

These records only show the parish. I would like to find out what specific church they came from and try to research further to prove that they are mine and also to find other info. I hope to come there soon if I can find more information.

Thank you very much,

Tom O'Neil

Friday 18th Jul 2014, 09:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Tom:

    St. Patrick's Church in Stamullen goes back to 1831. Below is the contact info. 

    By the way, Roots Ireland has  the baptismal record for Anne in 1847 in Stamullen. There is one other Neill baptismal record to parents james Neill and Mary Keenan. I presume the record is for John.

    Roger McDonnell



    St Patrick's Church, Stamullen
    Eve of Sunday Vigil Mass: 18:30
    Sunday: 09:00, 11:00
    Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00
    First Friday: 20:00

    St Mary's Church, Julianstown
    Eve of Sunday Vigil Mass: 19:30
    Sunday: 11:00
    Wednesday & Friday: 10:00

    Parish Schools 
    St Patrick's National School, Stamullen | Tel 01-8411804
    Whitecross National School, Julianstown | Tel 041-9829229

    Parish Contacts
    V. Rev Declan D. Kelly PP
    Preston Hill 
    County Meath

    Tel 01-8412647

    Rev Robert McCabe CF
    Office of the Chaplain
    Gormanston Army Camp
    County Meath

    Tel 01-8413990

    Parish Office
    Preston Hill
    County Meath

    Tel 01-8412647



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 19th Jul 2014, 12:18AM
  • Thanks Roger. Nice speaking to you over the weekend Tom. I hope you find what you have been looking for for so long!

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 11:30AM
  • Hello Roger;

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I believe that these 2 baptismal records for John and Ann are my ancestors. They come from the National Archives but only mention that they are from the Parish of Stamullen which I'm imagining is fairly large. I thought I would try to find out exactly which Church the records originated from so that I would know aproximately where they lived. Maybe other records can be checked once I know the general area they lived. Also I wanted to check records to locate other family members. 

    In the message you sent I only saw one tel # that refered to St. Patrick's dirctly and that was for the National School. I called but only reached a recording. Do you know of a specific person I might call and / or a tel # at the Church to check on researching records of my family ? 

    Thank you again.

    Best regards,

    Tom O'Neil 

    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 03:34PM
  • Tom:

    Try the number for Fr. Kelly. Tel 01-8412647


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 05:02PM
  • Roger;

    Thanks again. I called the number but they answered as Preston ? They said they are only open between 9am and 12;00 I believe so I left a message and asked if they could email me so I'll wait a bit and hope for the best. 

    I was also wondering if you might know a local person that I might speak to that can either help me research this at the church or perhaps a local history or family history expert that might know about additional records available or know of families that lived there around the 1840's and emigrated during the famine. I'm feeling like I have this great new info but I don't know where to turn next. 

    Your are a great resource. 

    Best regards,


    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 05:17PM
  • Best of luck Tom!


    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 02:31PM
  • Tom:

    I live in the States so I can't help with a local resource. I would contact the Co. Meath library. The branch library in Duleek is likely the closest to your area of interest. They may know of a local person that might assist you.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 02:49PM
  • Thanks Clare. I think I'll take Roger's advice and try the library to see if they know of a local historian or geneaologist type. Also, I emailed Stamullen Parish today to see if they hold the 2 records that I found for, whom I think are, my GG Aunt and Uncle. I'm waiting to hear back. If I can prove it with the discovery of additional records than I will have done the impossible, or close to it; Find your family without any prior knowledge of where they were from. It will have taken me almost 20 years though.  

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 06:11PM
  • Thanks Roger. The above reply to Clare was meant for you as well. That sounds like a very good idea. I will contact the library as soon as I hear back from Stamullen Parish. Maybe I should try to nail down as many records as I can first. I hope to get some idea of where, within the Parish, they may have lived. If you think of any other ideas they would be greaty appreciated. 

    Best regards,


    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 06:19PM
  • Dear Tom

    You could try pinpointing the family name on the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-1837) or the Griffith's Valuation (1847-1864). These are free sites.



    Please let us know how the research goes

    Best wishes 


    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 23rd Jul 2014, 08:40AM

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