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 Hi I'm looking for info about my GG grandfather he was born 1817 parish of crossakiel near town of Kells, co. Meath Catholic married Ann Larkin,Dublin 1859 her father was Patrick Larken. He was a soldier who served in Canada protecting the border after. French Indian war. Based in Kingston Ontario moved to Digby with 1 son James. J.W.Robinson died 1912 Digby N.S. Canada.

Tuesday 8th Mar 2016, 09:23PM

Message Board Replies

  • ​My apologies for the very late response. Have you managed to learn anymore about these ancestors? ​I wonder if you have focused in at all on the military aspect of things through the Canadian Archives?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 12th Apr 2016, 09:48AM

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