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Recently found documents noting my great grandfather and grandmother were either from or born in County Meath, Eire.

John Fleming, born on or about June 20,1839 in Ireland to Patrick Fleming and Mary Fenney.


Married Bridget Thornton who was born on or around February 1, 1845 in Ireland to Thomas Thornton and Mary McNally.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nancy Edwards Begnoche




Tuesday 12th Feb 2013, 04:07PM

Message Board Replies


    The first place to start your search is in your own home - talk to elders in the family - find out abouttheir parents, grandparents etc. Perhaps they have a story of one of your ancestors? Things to enquire about include: occupations, places of residence, who they were living with(people often stayed with others from their home villages after emigration), siblings & other familymembers, first names (important -as usually past from father to son/mother to daughter) ages attime of emigration, possible dates of birth/death, religious denominations. Also ask if there are anysurviving photographs, old documents or letters - record all the information you can find. Write/telephone other members of your family to check details -perhaps they can remember otherfacts about your ancestors? Hopefully when you have done this - some clues will emerge! After youhave identified the emigrant- begin tracing the steps back to Ireland. Do you know much about their emigration? The dates, the reason why they left, who they mighthave travelled with..etc.? Generally more information was given at the port of arrival rather than theport of departure. If you knew which city they arrived at (e.g. Liverpool, Ellis Island), this could be agood place to find more information, and perhaps even find out an exact place of origin. Shippingmanifests can be checked ?which may lead to more clues. The next thing you could do is find the counties and places in Ireland your family names are mostprevalent. Look at the website and perhapssomething will match some other clue you may have found elsewhere? If nothing turnsup ? it is advisable to try different variations of the spellings of the names. If you have a possiblefirst name you could try the Irish Census 1901, 1911 at or the landvaluation record called Griffiths Valuation Ellis Island: Castlegarden: US National Archives/Immigration info:


    Thursday 4th Apr 2013, 11:25AM
  • Hello Nancy

    I volunteer in Drogheda which is partly in Meath. The names you mention except Fenney are all local to the Meath area here. I am aware of many Thorntons and one Fleming and McNally.

    I just came across this picture in a local church yard, Church of Ireland (I hope it is not off putting to you) of a headstone but reading underneath this centuries old headstone there is a reference to an Elizabeth Flemyng


    I will ask locally if anyone has done a family tree to see if they have info of interest to you.


    Pat O'Halloran

    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 9th Apr 2013, 10:09PM
  • Thank you very much!  I appreciate your assistance.



    Wednesday 10th Apr 2013, 10:41AM

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