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i was at the ulster museum the other day and they informed me of this new fact although they had been informed by tellus 

that they have discovered large amounts of tin in the mourne mountain range up the coast from you there in monknewtown and you wonder why on earth i am posting such a message on your webpage 

well it got me to thinking and wondering i believe monknewtown is the area of bru na boinne monuments of newgrange dowth and knowth and from memory i do recall someone informing me that the colossal monumental stones used to make these tombs were not of your local landscape and that they had been hauled from the sea shore and positioned in situ 

but what i am wondering is that some of these stones they say are from the mourne mountain range area 

so could someone advise me do they know how many of the monumental stones in knowth dowth and newgrange are from the mourne district area and if possible could you provide a breakdown 

ie how many of the total number at dowth are from the mourne rock range  

how many of the total number at knowth are from the mourne mountain rock range  

how many of the total number at newgrange  are from the mourne mountain rock range 

thanks pat preliminary findings to be confirmed at a later date 

newgrange mound kerbstones number 97 and where the winter dawn solstice enters the chamber the kerbstone has been listed as number 1

1 coarse greywacke

2 coarse greywacke

10  coarse greywacke

17 coarse greywacke

18 coarse greywacke

19 coarse greywacke

20 coarse greywacke

21 coarse greywacke

22 medium greywacke

23 coarse greywacke

24 fine greywacke

25 fine greywacke

26 fine greywacke

27 coarse greywacke

28 coarse greywacke

29 coarse greywacke

30 coarse greywacke

31 medium greywacke

32 coarse greywacke

33 coarse greywacke

34 medium greywacke

35 coarse greywacke

36 yellow sandstone

37 coarse greywacke

38 coarse greywacke

39 coarse greywacke

40 fine greywacke

41 medium greywacke

42 gap no stone currently in situ

43 medium greywacke

44 gap no stone currently in situ

45 medium greywacke

46 medium greywacke  

52 microgranite  

67 fine greywacke

81 coarse greywacke

96 fine greywacke

97 medium greywacke

Which implies from the orientation of the site that kerbstone 1 =winter dawn solstice which is at approx. 23 degrees south of the equator latitude line

Now could anyone tell me where they would expect the sunrise line on the eastern horizon to occur at summer solstice which numbered kerbstone would the sun alight on can anyone advise who is local to the area   


liam hua duinn

Sunday 1st Feb 2015, 11:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Liam, you certainly know obscure stuff and I cannot answer but I am aware that a student of Trinity College, Dublin did a thesis on the rocks there or on some of them, I assume the Geology Department of Trinity may have the thesis but assume it can only be viewed there.



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 14th Mar 2024, 11:57PM

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