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Margaret Farrelly born 1852, daughter of my gt.grandparents, Peter Farrelly and Margaret Tevlin, was baptised on 18 December 1852 in the RC Church in Athboy and her sponsors were James Higgins and Margaret Tuite.  The grandparents of Margaret Farrelly b. 1852 were Michael Tevlin and Anne Tuite (Anne was presumably a relative of the aforementioned Margaret Tuite).  Sadly Margaret Farrelly died at the age of 16 of TB in the town of Clane, Co. Kildare.  

I believe that the parents of Anne Tuite (Tevlin) were Patt. Tuite and Eleanor Brady, and I would like to know if there were other members of the family.   Regards, Maggie

Saturday 23rd Nov 2013, 02:15PM

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  • I am looking for relatives/info about Tuites from DunLaoghaire (formerly Kingstown).

    My gr. grandmother was Mary Tuite and married my gr.grand father Michael Conway in 1872.  I know her father, Edward Tuite was married to a woman named Bridget, the records show Kilarney, but I think that's where she came from not a last name and I know Edward was a sailor.

    Any one with info on these Tuites please email me at, thanks

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 02:45PM
  • Hi Maureen - I don't think there is a connection between our Tuite families as my lot were from Co. Meath and as far as I know had no connection to Killarney, nor Kingstown.  If I ever find a connection I'll certainly let you know.   Regards,  Maggie

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 05:38PM
  • Thanks Maggie, I've hit a wall and am at a dead stop!

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 06:09PM

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