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I am trying to find out any information about James Muldoon who was transported to Australia in 1814 on  the ship Canada.  I understand that he was tried by a Magistrate in Trim and sentenced to transportation there.  I have plenty of information about he and his descendants from when he arrived in Australia but very little prior to that so would be grateful if anyone can assist.  I will be travelling to Ireland in early April this year so can followup any information or meet with anyone who has information then.

Saturday 13th Feb 2016, 06:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jim:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC records for Trim do not begin until 1829 although he could have been baptized in another parish. Roots Ireland has baptismal records for a James Muldoon in 1790, 1796 and 1798, however, unless you know his parents or at least his father, hyou can't confirm any of the records. Same with the Tithe records for 1825-1826. Possibly the father of James is listed.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?

    Roger McDonnell…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 13th Feb 2016, 02:36PM
  • Hi Roger

    Thank you for such a quick response.  The information I have says that James Muldoon was born in 1775 in County Meath and his father was also James Muldoon (born 1745 place unknown) other than that I dont have any other information on his parents.  He was sentenced on the 14th of March 1814, for crimes unknown, to 7 years transportation to New South Wales.  He departed from Cork, Ireland, on 5 December 1814 on the ship ‘Canada’ and arrived in Sydney on 5 August 1815 In records he was described as follows:


    Age:                40 years old

    Education:     None

    Religion:        Roman Catholic

    Trade:             Barber or Tailor?

    Sentence:      7 years

    Height:           5ft  2 ins

    Eyes:              Hazel

    Hair:                Sandy

    Complexion: Ruddy/fair

    Did they keep Magistrates records from that time in Trim?  What is autosomal DNA testing?



    Jim Muldoon



    Sunday 14th Feb 2016, 02:14AM
  • Jim:

    You may want to contact the library branch in Trim to see if can assist with Magistrates records from 1814. 


    Main Street, Trim

    Telephone: 046-9436014, Email:

    Here is some background on autosomal DNA from one of the testing companies.…


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 15th Feb 2016, 01:46AM
  • Hi to all

    Not sure if this is relevant

    My Convict ancestor Edward Keegan, (GG grandfather) b. 1809 Mullaghmore County Longford married Julia Muldoon b. 1820 Virginia, County Cavan, Ireland in the Hunter Valley, NSW Australia, circa 1845. Julia d. July 19, 1848 (28) Lochinvar, New South Wales, Australia. Julia was the mother of John Thomas Keegan (G grandfather).



    Thursday 7th Mar 2019, 07:33AM

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