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1879 december 22nd marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish od aughnamullen in the county of monaghan no 94 when married 1879 december 22nd name and surname thomas dycher age full age condition bachelor rank or profession farmer residence at the time of marriage drummulla parish of rockcorry fathers name and surname thomas dycher rank or profession of father farmer name and surname elizabeth stuart age full age condition spinster residence at the time of marriage closagh fathers name and surname james stuart rank or profession of father labourer married in the parish church according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of Ireland by license by me e tardy rector and vicar this marriage was solemnized between us thomas his x mark dycher and elizabeth her x mark stuart in the presence of us Martha jane errand and alexander errand  1879 oct nov dec wedding thomas dycher cootehill Ireland registered oct nov dec 1879 cootehill carmel of irelandxo 

searching for information of this dycher family 

liam hua duinn

Thursday 4th Jul 2013, 09:49AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi William,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone with information on the Dychers is able to help you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 11:58AM

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