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Hi there, I am looking for any info on The McAtav(e)y families from around this area.

My ggg-Granfather Patrick was born around 1929 ish, his father's name Hugh, mother's name unknown.

He joined the Royal Artillery  and fought in Crimea War and survived. He moved to Woolwich London and died in 1907

Am looking for any birth/baptis records for him, or any records of his family, siblings etc.

I think he had a brother Owen who appeared to move to Liverpool area, other siblings am not sure about although would be nice to find out,

I would also like more info or photographs of the area, to see how they lived around that time.  Also connecting with any other familes of this family would be fantastic.

I hope to come to Ireland one day soon, so I can see for myself, It would be lovely to see.

Also a Rose Mcatav(e)y she married a Courtenay and had a son Michael

any info is greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Wednesday 24th Jun 2015, 09:37AM

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