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I have been searching for many years about my Irish ancestry, most particularly for any information about Redmond Fallon and who I believe to be his grandfather Teague O'Fallon. 

The Facts we have now are: I have a very solid paper trail from myself back to Redmond Fallon in 1745 on the Dan River in what was then ... the Virginia Colony. I'm relatively sure he was protestant by this time as he was granted over 2,000 acres of land by patent (permission from the House of Burgesses and therefore British approval). It was just a fact of life in the Virginia colony the only recognised church was the Anglican Church (Pennsylvania had pressures but had looser religious laws, as well as Maryland was supposed to be a Colony for Catholics but heavy pressure by a ever increasing protestant majority.)  These are just historic facts, I'm not arguing for or against any religious groups. (I, myself converted to Roman Catholicism just to get along with my Mexican wife's family ... haha ... but I'm not an active member of any church these days ... just for the record).

Redmond Fallon's grandparents were very probably directly from Ireland, and were under extreme pressure just to be able to live. I think it's fair to say that although they had definitely been Catholic, that the pressure was extreme to either hide it or just go along with the local Church (besides, it was the law).

It is also likely given the DNA results and our paper trail that Redmond Fallon's parents or grandparents were from County Roscommon or just over the line in Galway.

I've checked the Down Land Survey online, and there are several Redmond Fallon men in ireland, specifically in Roscommon and have a very pronounced presence in Cam Parish (Camma?) before 1671, after 1671 there are only 1 or a few, far less than there was in 1641.

Teague O'Fallon arrives in the Virginia Colony in 1656 and is sponsored by English Captain Henry Fleete. (Sponsored as in Capt. Fleete PAID for Teague O'Fallon's voyage, probably Indentured Servant ... basically a slave).

I still have some work to do on my side of the Atlantic (the USA) because I know I have to tie these two men together as being related. I only have a hunch for now (my hunches have paid off in the past, but in a few cases I had climbed the wrong tree, had to make corrections... so, it happens).

What is so interesting to me is that my Grandfather (God Bless him) had been so adamant in saying "Well, all I know is .. that ... we're definitely Irish". This is nothing short of amazing to me to keep this identity for over 350 years! That is strong cultural stuff right there.

My own statement about us is a little watered down from grandpa's: I just say that we have Irish ancestry. I can't claim a nationality to a country in which I have never lived or never even visited.

I had taken RTE language postal courses (Anois is Ar?s), but that was years ago. I do love Irish music (modern and traditional) and I am definitely ''FOR'' Ireland .. as in, a fan of.

I might not ever be able to prove (on paper) which townland or parish that my ancestor Redmond Fallon's family came from. But I have not seen so many Redmond Fallons in one area in the mid 1600s era ... anywhere else. Cam Parish seems to be a strong candidate. (next would be Dysart and last would be Elphin).

Other than searching things like the Down Land Survey online, short of actually taking a trip to Ireland (I'd love to go ... finances are not so great right now, but it'll get better, I hope)... I guess I can just enjoy the language and the music (the culture) and by DNA I know my male line ancestry is definitely Irish. Plus the fact that ... Grandpa said so ... is good enough for me.

Sorry for being so long winded (I've been told this is a Fallin/Fallon trait haha).

Go raibh mIle maith agaibh, a Chairde...


                                                                 Labhr?s ? Fallamhain (Lance Fallin)


Tuesday 25th Mar 2014, 05:36PM

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