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James Morris born 1847 baptism/birth Knockcroghery

William Morris born about 1818 baptism Castlerea

Ann Naughton born about 1820 baptism Athleague

I'm looking for information on what the religious parishes are. I thought these were the names but I don't see them listed. I would also like to know if anypne has any information about them.


Monday 6th May 2013, 12:15AM

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  • This little map  (link below) might help sort things out for you. For example the Parish of Knockcroghery is listed with it's historical name, St. John's;  RC Parish of Castlerea was previously known as Kilkeevan and Athleague was historically known as Athleague and Feurty. Maybe someone from that Parish can confirm I am right on this!

    In Ireland Civil Parishes usually mirror Church of Ireland Parishes as the C of I was the 'established Church' and so secular administration tended to mirror these Chruch Parishes. In contrast the Roman Catholic Parishes have a different structure and while they may cover the same areas as the civil and C of I records, they are a different administative unit. The easiest thing to do is to  just think of them as 3 different administrative units that created their own distint records, rather than trying to see how they all marry together which will only confuse you more. 

    If you can get your hands on John Grenham's 'Tracing your Irish Ancestors' it would be a big help to you. It  has a very handy map for each county listing all the RC Parishes and includes a list of the names and variants of the RC Parishes and their county. Hope this helps

    Mrs Doyle


    Wednesday 8th May 2013, 10:10AM

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