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My Grandmother was Margaret Anne Feeley born 1892 in Carrowwilkin in the parish of Anchonry. The daughter of James Feeley and Attracta (Agnes) Collins.  Margaret, a nurse  moved to England in the early 20th Century.

 Margaret had eleven siblings.  I believe her  brother James, born 1899 lived in the area until his death in 1970 and may be buried in Rhue Graveyard.  Her sister Kate married James Brennan and Agnes married a Thomas Brennan.  Agnes or Kate had a daughter Anne Agnes Brennan who married Michael Gadsden in London in 1961.

Census and baptismal records show a variety of spelling, Feely, Feey, Feehily and Feehely.

Hope to visit the area during summer 2013 and any information about the family would be welcome.

Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 07:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jennifer,

    Thank you for your message. I hope that someone who knows of the family or is connected to the family makes a connection with you.

    It may be a good idea to also place a message in a more local forum. As James only died in 1970 it is very likely that there are still people in the area who may know of him. Some places where you could do this include parish newsletters or newspapers in the area. Here are some possibilities:


    I hope this suggestion is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.


    Also, we have recently added a new link to the top of our website for people who are planning on visiting in 2013. It takes you to a short web form. We would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to complete this. Thank you!

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support








    Thursday 23rd May 2013, 11:56AM
  • Hi, my name is Marie Gadsden and I am the only child of Anne and Mike Gadsden.  I live in London.  My mother was the eldest daughter of Agnes and Thomas Brennan.  She had 2 brothers and 4 sisters.  She moved  to Manchester in 1946 to train as a nurse but could not continue because she kept succumbing to infections.  She then moved to London and joined the National Bank where she met my father.  She died in 1999.  She did talk about her Aunt who was a nurse - did she used to ride a motorbike?!  She also said that she looked like one of her daughter's and I think she is my mum and dad's wedding photograph and she deoes look similar).  I may of course have misremembered some of these details!

    I have an uncle and aunt who still live in Bellaghy/Charlestown which is close to were they grew up in Tubbercurry.  My uncle, Oliver Brennan, is a close friend of Cyril Feeley who is also my mum's first cousin.  I'm sure my aunt, Carmel Groarke, who lives in Bellaghy could fill in some details.

    Saturday 24th Aug 2013, 12:08PM
  • Hello Jennifer2,

    My name is Steve Collins from Melbourne, Australia, and I suspect that we could be distantly related.

    I note that your Great Grandmother was Attracta (Agnes) Collins.

    My Great, Great Grandfather, John Collins, (born about 1833) came out to Sydney, Australia from Achonry, Sligo, (via Liverpool) aboard the "Golden Era" in 1855.  His elder sister, Mary, (b. abt 1827) came out to Sydney aboard the "Malvina Vidal" in 1853 and their siblings William (b abt 1835) and Bridget (b 1841) both came out to Sydney in 1860 aboard the "Fitzjames".  Another sibling, Catherine (b 1835) attempted to emigrate with William and Bridget, but was thought medically unfit to emigrate, and so she is believed to have remained in Achonry.  William, Bridget and Catherine were all living at Carrowntober, Achonry (just North of Carrowwilkin) when they applied to emigrate.

    All 5 of the siblings were listed as illiterate Irish Catholic farm labourers or servants.

    Their parents were given as Michael Collins (b. abt 1800 +/- 10yrs?) still alive in 1860 and Catherine (nee Davy, or Davey, or Davie, or Deavey? Spelling uncertain due to the illiteracy of the children).  She died at some point between 1841 and 1853 - possibly due to the potato famine?

    In 2006 my brother went to Sligo and called into the Sligo Genealogical Society who told him that the name Collins, whilst common in Ireland, is very rare in Sligo, and in the early to mid 1800's, possibly comprised the members of just a single extended family in Sligo.  He said that a number of them were buried at the Rhue Cemetery.   We got some names and some headstone photos, but none of them rang any bells with us.

    The 1858 Griffith Valuation return shows a Michael Collins, Catherine Collins and a Thomas Collins residing at Drumbaun just near Carrowntober, which could be our lot (Thomas possibly being another sibling of those who came to Australia) but this is not confirmed.

    The 1901 Census for Drumbane shows a 76 y.o. farmer named Michael Collins (possibly also a sibling of the Australian emigrants) living with his sons, Martin (aged 26), Andrew (aged 24), grandson Michael (aged 13) and a 10 year old domestic servant named BRIDGET FEELY.

    I note also that the 1901 Census for the townland of Carrowwilkin has a Thomas Collins (aged 80 - possibly a sibling of the Australian emigrants?) living with his 60 year old wife Agnes and their 30 year old son Martin and a THOMAS BRENNAN, labourer.

    I don't know whether these people are actually the direct relatives of the family who came to Sydney in the 1850's, but I would be very grateful for any information you could send me about the ancestors and siblings of your Great Grandmother, or anything you know about the Collins family in Achonry.


    Steve Collins


    Tuesday 12th Nov 2013, 10:11AM
  • Hi Marie,

    I just read your post.  I am tryng to find out more about my Feely family from Sligo, Tubbercurry, Anchonry West, Townland Cully.  My GGM was Bridget Feely, and she married a James Phillips.  Their daughter Bridget Feely married my GF Thomas Kane in the USA.  My GM also had a first cousin that was also born in the same area and her name was Catherine Feely, she was born in or about 1874.

    I also beleive that a Patrick Feely is also related to my GGM Bridget.  Patrick was also from Sligo, Tubbercurry, Anchonry West, Townland Cully.  His wife was Mary and they had Patrick Jr died at age 3, Annie, Michael, Bessie, Margret, and Mary Kate. 

    If it is at all possible I would certainly appreciate it if your uncle could run this by Cyril Feeley to see if if there is possibly any family connection.




    Wednesday 13th Aug 2014, 03:06AM

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