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I am tracing my Crosbie family in  Sligo.  No idea what Parish but a GILBERT Crosbie came up in Anchonry as I searched the Tithe Applotment records. 

"MY" Gilbert Crosbie was born in Sligo ~ 1776 and died in the USA in Ohio April 1 1868 at 82 yrs.  He would have been my Gr Gr Gr Grandfather on my Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's  side...boy what a mouthful!

His Son (?) Dr. Peter J. Crosbie  (died July 7, 1862 aged 31 or 34   years 10 months  7 days)  He is buried near Gilbert in St. Patrick's Cemetary in Ohio. 

Ann Crosbie, wife of Gilbert Crosbie died April 27, 1854 or 1859 aged 59 years

Anastasia Crosbie (wife of William Crosbie) died Feb 26, 1872, aged 24 years 10 mos and either 10 or 16 days ( Born ~ April 16th, 1848.


With this information is there any way of verifying a relationship between MY Gilbert Crosbie and Gilbert in Anchonry? 

Thank you so much for any help you may offer....SO TRULY APPRECIATED!!!

Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 08:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Morning

    On a first reading of this, the fact that neither Gilbert nor Crosbie would be very common names would have me lean in the direction that these are the same people.  Unfortunately, the Tithes and Griffith?s Valuation, while seen as census substitutes, only refer to the head of household and don?t name the entire family.

    Also, the fact that you know your Gilbert was born in Sligo and the Tithe?s Gilbert is in Sligo brings the connection closer.  In terms of verifying the relationship, you would need a baptism or marriage or other kind of record to establish the place name as the connector. There doesn?t seem to be any Gilbert Crosbie baptism records on (for Co. Sligo anyway) but there are 10 other Gilbert children baptised in the county, the earliest in 1842. This still does not officially connect the two men.  There are 4 Crosbie marriages on that site, but none for  a Gilbert. Have you tried searching or Rootsweb for any mention of the family in messages or public member trees, there are some Crosbie references?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 10:48AM
  • I'm gonna see what I can.find.on Ohio

    Thursday 31st Jul 2014, 07:16AM

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