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Hi there

I'm compling a family tree and have just found out that my great great grandparents were married in Ahamlish in 1843. Their names were William Conoly and Maria Neilis (also recorded as William Connelly and Mary Nelis). They had a son (also William Connelly) who was baptised in Ahamlish in 1853 and at some point moved to Greenock in Scotland, where he married and raised his family.

I know it's a long shot but was wondering if anyone had any information about the Conoly of Neilis families from this time or even a suggestion on how to find out more information? Thanks in advance for any info or suggestions xxx


Friday 24th Jul 2015, 11:36PM

Message Board Replies

  • KMit:

    The RC parish register for Ahamlish is online  and the records go back to 1796 which is unusual for an RC church in the West of Ireland. You should be able to find other baptismal records for your family.

    I also looked at the 1858 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Ahamlish civil parish.

    I note a William Connelly in Creevykeel townland. Also noticed two Nealis reocrds including a Mary Nealis in Creevykeel.She could be the widowed mother of Maria.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 24th Jul 2015, 11:54PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thank you for both the speedy response and the information you have provided. I thought I was the only one about at this ungodly hour!!!

    I'm fairly new at this research and your suggestions are really appreciated. I'll have a look at both of those links and see how I get on.

    Thanks again x


    Saturday 25th Jul 2015, 12:03AM

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